Three's A Crowd | The Mistake

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We arrive home not only with some Monster but with a lot of alcohol. I'm not talking like a couple bottles, I'm talking like a couple dozen bottles.

"Hey! Did you grab me some monster?" Tucker yells from upstairs.

"Yeah, yeah we did." I yell back.

Tom and I walk to the kitchen to put away the drinks.


"Uh yeah. Tom called while I was out. His flight had... complications so he's just going to go back at the end of the week like his original plan."

"But what about the emergency?"

Tucker has now appeared in the kitchen doorway.

"Oh you know Alice. She fuckin' exaggerated it. My dad just took a fall off of like a 5 ft tall ladder and not a super tall one like I thought. He's sore but he's gonna be ok." Tom replies.

I just look at him. How is he so easily able to lie? And how was he able to come up with that so fast?

Tucker looks content with our explanation and walks up behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek.

"I just finished my stream, so you know what I want to do?"

"Shots off of Mika Kunis?" I reply with extra sass.

"I mean yes but do you know what I want to do tonight?"


"I wanna grab a beer, grab my woman, and grab a good ass movie."

He embraces me tighter.

"So when you say a good ass movie, do you mean a good ass movie, or a good ass movie?" Tom asks while he finishes unpacking the alcohol.

Tucker releases me to get a bottle of Coors, "Well we all know what you would prefer but I was just thinking of watching a really good movie, thanks."

Tom hands Tucker and then me a beer and he winks at us obviously.

I open my beer and I start chugging. After the day I've had I'm going to need like 7 of these.

"Well I mean either is good with me." Tom finishes putting all of the bottles away and goes over to the tv where they keep the DVDs. "So are we talking a Die Hard or a Mr. and Mrs. Smith or what we thinking here?"

"I'm personally up for Mr. and Mrs., what about you Sonj?" Tucker replies.

"It's a great one, but personally I don't care what movie we watch, I just want to get another beer."

Tom looks up at me and sees that I've finished my first beer, "Oh my god Sonja, have you gone mad?". He knows damn well that I probably have. I look at him dead in the eyes. "Maybe, but are you gonna stop me?"

"So it's gonna be one of those nights?" Tucker says while popping open his beer and chugging it. "Screw the movie, Let's just play some drinking games."

I need this.

"Let's get fucked up."


About 4 Vodka shots and 4 beers later, you could say that my mind wasn't the clearest it had ever been. Bottles were sprawled out around the floor and many stains were made. We had played beer pong, flip cup, and was now in the middle of truth or dare.

"I don't give two flying fucks if you are drunk outta your fucking mind, if your not gonna strip and twerk for us then your gonna have to take another fucking shot." Tom yells at Tucker and laughs.

"Well fine god damn." Tucker takes off his pants to show his vault boy boxers. he swirls them around his head and throws them and proceeds to shake his ass like it ain't nobody's business. "Yes Tuck yes!" I scream. He sits down again and turns to Tom and I. "Now, you know what I really wanna see? I dare you two to kiss, and not just a little peck like a real fucking make out."

"Tucker, thats your girlfriend! I mean I'm all up for it but really are you sure." Tom asks wile leaning into may shoulder.

"Why the fuck not? I mean I've totally wanted to kiss your girlfriends. I mean it was a while ago but still. ...Oh god I'm gonna regret that tomorrow morning but who the fuck cares." Tucker takes another swig of beer and practically passes out.

I turn to Tom and not even a second had passed and he presses his lips into mine. I'm not going to lie, I pressed back and suddenly I was on my back and he was ontop of me. We roll over so I am in the dominant position and I sit up. "You're so fucking beautiful." Tom says and he starts to pull up my shirt. I don't stop him and were suddenly two almost naked bodies in a pile of clothes.


Hey everyone! It's C here and I finally have gotten over my writers block. I feel so bad for continually not uploading but I would feel worse if I put out chapters just to put out chapters and if they weren't the best that they can be. I appreciate everyone sticking through till this chapter. I hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2017 ⏰

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