Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

//Bailee's POV// 

I stormed into the kitchen and grabbed my food. I didn't want it obviously, but I was making a statement. I clutched the bag of food tightly and stomped out of Toby's house.

How dare he do that to me? He hadn't called me Biscuit in a long time. Doesn't he understand how much more complicated he was making things for me?

My insides were tied in knots. I groaned as I gripped the steering wheel shakily, the keys still in my pocket. I know I'd overreacted. Toby apologized over and over and I just turned him away.

I tried to tell myself that I was upset about the girl, Dawn I believe, but I knew that wasn't all of it.

"We'll be home in about an hour cupcake." My mom said as she kissed my forehead. My younger and squeakier, seven year old voice answered. "Okay Mommy. I'll miss you." I said wrapping my arms around her waist. "Hey, what about me?" My dad protested. I giggled and ran over to him. "I'll miss you too Daddy." My dad grinned, "I'll see you soon baby."

I nodded as they walked out the door. I watched as the minutes ticked away. After an hour past, I grew anxious. Why weren't they back yet? They promised. I watched as the time changed. 7:01, 7:45, 9:00, 10:30, 11:27. The doorbell rang. I ran away from the clock and flung it open.

I looked up at the police man. He looked sad. "Why are you sad?" I asked. "Where are my mommy and daddy? They said they'd be home." I whimpered quietly. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I relived the memory. Every detail of that fretful night still vivid and fresh in my mind. I

looked down at my hands, which still gripped the steering wheel. My knuckles were ghostly white. I took a deep breath but it didn't help.

When Toby wasn't there.. I panicked. What if he had gotten hurt. What if instead of Toby, the police had shown up? I couldn't do another funeral. I just couldn't.

I was in deep thought, when suddenly I heard a tap on my car window. I looked up expecting to see Toby, but instead I was looking straight into Dawn's crystal blue eyes.

I scowled and opened my car door. "What do you want?" She frowned and looked really nervous. "Um.. I just.. don't think you should be so mad at Toby.. it was my fault that he was so late. Just, I don't think there's any reason to be upset."

I clenched my fists. "Don't. Just Don't. Okay? You think I don't have any reason? You don't know me. You don't know my life. You don't understand." I shook my head in an attempt to calm myself.

"Look." I said through gritted teeth. "I know you're new here.. So I'll just put it simply. Stay out of Toby and I's life." And with that I slammed my door shut, turned the key in my ignition, and drove away, leaving Dawn in the dust with her mouth hanging wide open.

I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously. I'm sure she was a nice girl and all, but she had ruined everything.

Maybe under different circumstances we could've been friends, but after what happened today, that definitely wasn't going to happen. My hands trembled while gripping the steering wheel. Usually when I left Toby's house, I felt calm and happy but tonight, I was stressed and upset.

How could he not see why these two hours meant so much to me? Did he ever stop to think how worried I was? How ready I was to hear the worst possible news? I took another deep breath, and decided to be the bigger person and apologize to Toby.

I didn't want to loose our friendship. We had been through thick and thin for far too long. As I pulled into my driveway, I whipped my phone out of my pocket. My fingers hovered over the keys trying to form the right words in my mind, when I stopped cold. Toby had sent me a message.

It read: 'Dawn told me what you said to her. Not cool Bailee. I know you're upset with me, but that's no reason to take it out on her. I thought you were better than that.'

I read the message over and fumed. How dare he take her side? He's choosing a girl he's known barely 2 hours over his best friend.

I shoved the key in my lock and shoved the door open. I slammed it behind me. Rage was overcoming my body and I needed somewhere to take my aggression out. I spotted a pillow and figured it would be a good place to start.

I stuffed my face into it and let out a long high pitched scream. After a couple of minutes my throat felt dry so I stopped screaming and sat up. I balled and unballed my fists.

Toby's voice echoed in my mind. "This is Dawn." A surge of anger, desperation, and sadness swept over my body and I found myself beating my pillow senseless.

I threw it against the wall and grunted. My body wasn't used to this much physical effort. I could feel my muscles slowly giving out, but I wasn't satisfied yet. All my anger boiling up over the years. Now being channeled tonight. And all being focused at one girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

I picked up a plate and threw it at the wall. I watched as it shattered into a million pieces before my eyes. Just like my heart, I thought to myself.

After I chucked a few more plates at the wall, I reached into the fridge and grabbed a couple bottles of beer.

"Time to forget." I whispered. I chugged the can down along with 6 others. The night dragged on and my senses grew more and more impaired. My emotions were all over the place.

At one point I think I called Toby and said "I need you." But to be honest the memory was vague and distant, almost as if it was a dream.

Eventually, the room swirled and finally, I crashed. 

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