' I will finish what you started' Anakin said in a empty room to a charred Vader helmet. Standing up after sentence she left the room without a backward glance. 'Leader Anakin' said storm trooper BN229 as he approached her. Anakin threw a glance his way looking at him with her brown eyes. She nodded for him to speak. 'News?' She asked him curious of what was happening to the search of Kylo. 'The droid is gone' said the trooper. Anakin glared at him. 'I don't want the stupid droid I want him' she snapped slamming her fist down. Kylo had left her a few months ago due to him distracting her with the force. Now Anakin was fully on the dark side and supreme leader Snoke was satisfied with this if it meant losing Kylo. Anakin never gave up her search. One morning as she patrolled the corridor of her ship a young bounty hunter called Kennel came up to her. 'What's the problem?' He asked sensing that she was upset. 'I want him home' she told wiping her tears away from her eyes so he didn't know she was crying. 'Say no more' Kennel told her getting to his feet he walked towards the door. 'I'll find him and bring him home' he reassured her. Anakin smiled and went back to looking out of the window. Close to her she kept Kylo's lightsabre as mento that he helped her when she needed it most. Since coming to power Anakin had killed a lot of people who she felt need it. Day to day she would visit Snoke and he would help her with her path to the dark side. Kennel kept to his word looking for Kylo he looked as far as Tatoonie and Hoth. He had no looked but he never gave up. Anakian sighed all she had to remember Kylo by was his lightsabre he had given her.