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I groaned and tried to move but something warm was wraped around me. I opened my eyes and noticed I was in my room on my bed with... Jake! He was still sleeping. I tried to get out of his grasp but his grip just got tighter. I sighed and layed back down on the pillow.

How the hell did I get in here? I thought I was still in the woods but apparently not. How did they find me and who found me? I kept on asking myself questions until I thought my head would explode. I took a deep breath and looked over at a sleeping Jacob.

He looked so peacful when he sleeped. Well sleeping time is over. I pushed Jake  to wake him up but he didn't even move a muscle.

"JAKE! WAKE UP!" I screamed in his ear and he fell off the bed pulling me with him. He landed on top of me and I landed on the cold hard floor.

"Sorry Scarlett" He grinned. I rolled my eyes but smiled back up at him. He was still on top of me his sparkly brown eyes looking into mine.

"Umm Jake?" I asked.

"Yes?" He said.

"Can you um, get off me?" I asked politley. He frowned.

"Oh yeah. Sorry" He whispered. He stood up then helped me off the floor. My head started pounding in my head. I rubbed my forehead and looked back at Jake who had a concerned look on his face.

"Are you alright?" He said.

"Just a headache. It's nothing. I'm going to take a shower and put on some comfortable clothes" I dismissed myself walking into the bathroom. I shut the door gently behind me and got in the freezing cold shower.

I smiled as my body started to loosen up. Once I finished washing my hair with the watermellon smelling shampoo and conditioner I turned off the shower and wraped my body in a towel.

Crap I forgot to get some clothes. I sighed and walked out of my bathroom in my towel. I soon realized it was a big mistake. There he was, just sitting on the bed looking at a picture on the coffee table. Once I walked out he turned to look at me. I bit my bottom lip and felt myself blushing a little bit.

"Sorry" I apologized. Once I spoke he got out of what ever trance he was in.

"Uhhh, it's alright" He muttered turning away but I could see him from the corner of his eye looking at me. I shook my head and went to my closet grabing some undergarments and clothes before I rushed back to the bathroom. Once the door was securly shut behind me I cursed under my breath.

I quickly put on my polka dotted bra and matching panties I put on the black ripped skinny jeans that clung to every inch of my legs. I didn't mind since I LOVE my legs. I put on a neon green tank top, black flats, some random braclets and a ninja necklace.

I quickly did my hair and put on some eyeliner and mascara before deciding I was done. I skipped out of the bathroom and Jacob wasn't there. I just shrugged. He might be eating. I went downstairs and once I got into the kitchen it got all quiet and everone was looking at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked looking for a mirror.

"You should have told us where you were going! One of us would have gone with you!" Sam was mad.

"Well all of you guys were too busy with the game. Besides, I told Emily" I stated crossing my arms.

"Scarlett! If it weren't for Jake you would be still out there. Do you know how worried I was? Your my responsibility. Next time just tell us sooner." He rubbed his temple.

"Ehh I was perfectly fine. I just took a nap" I shrugged and sat down digging into my plate of delicious food. Sam looked at me stearnly

"You could have gotten hurt!" His voice raised and everyone at the table flinched but I didn't

I love him, but he loves 'HER' (Jacob Black Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now