Christmas Eve Eve

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⠀⠀"Storm, Storm! Get up! It's Christmas Eve Eve! We need to get ready! C'mon, I wanna go shopping for supplies and stuff."

⠀⠀The Riolu moaned and slowly opened his eyes. How wonderful; it was dark. "What time is it, Fen?" He asked, blinking away the sleep from his eyes.

⠀⠀"Uhm. Not before dawn?"

⠀⠀"Are you kidding me?"
⠀⠀"I want to watch the sun rise, Storm. Oh please, pretty please, with Goomdrops sprinkled on top?"

⠀⠀"You'd better behave while shopping today or else I'll stick a Roggenrola in your stocking." Slowly, Storm rose out of bed and got to his paws, giving his head a slight shake. The crisp, morning air made him shiver for a moment. Reaching for his fedora, the Riolu fit it onto his head and strapped his cape around his neck. "Right then. Let's go."

⠀⠀Fennel's ribbon bells jingled as she hopped alongside her cousin. Storm's Psychic flew them to the top branch of the treehouse where the two sat and watched the radiant colors of yellow, orange, red, and blue rise up over the horizon.

⠀⠀"Christmas Day," Fennel said, "I want to invite everyone over, all of our friends. We'll all have a feast and party, and exchange gifts too."

⠀⠀"Right then," Storm replied, "who would you like to invite?"

⠀⠀Fennel gave off the list of names. "Let's see: Illusion and her son Blitz, Flicka, Reikan (maybe he can bring Rei, ooooh), oh, and let's not forget Teeb."

⠀⠀"Okay." Storm thought to himself for a second. If only Reikan were here now..he'd probably try and burn Fennel alive for that comment.

⠀⠀The Riolu's blue gaze moved from Fennel's cheesy grin to the sun rising in the sky. Had time passed so fast already?

⠀⠀"C'mon, I've gotta get shopping!" Fennel pulled on Storm's arm with her paws. "It's gonna get busy soon!"

⠀⠀"I don't believe that most stores open at the crack of dawn, Fennel," Storm explained. "We'd have to wait for a little whiles. They don't open until 8:00."

⠀⠀"Can't you make time speed up?" Fennel asked disappointedly. "You can stop time. And restart it. Why not go fast forward?"

⠀⠀"Do you understand the gravity of that situation?" Storm put a paw to his face. "I could warp space and time itself. In fact, Palkia and Dialga could come and disgrace me themselves."

⠀⠀"Humph. Fine then." Fennel gave a pouty face and stared up at the sky. Its color was a light blue with the sun still rising now. "We'll go a bit later."

⠀⠀"Now, if anything happens—"

⠀⠀"I know, Storm! I'm not a kit." Fennel bounded off into the crowd. The time was 8:30. It was easier, the two decided, if they went to the city as Pokémon. It would be much easier and less of a hassle. Plus, the humans didn't really care who bought what from a store, as long as they paid. The Bunnelby searched the city as soon as the two split up and looked around for the store she wanted to go to.

⠀⠀The Riolu looked around, staring at a small magic shop. Déjà vu settled in his chest. "Merry Christmas, Ailee," he whispered softly before turning and moving towards a flower boutique. Walking in, he began looking at the different types of flowers. "I've got the perfect idea for Fennel," he told himself softly. "She'll love it."

⠀⠀"Yep, I'll need crayons, and markers too. Ooh, maybe some glitter and glue too. Yeah! Glitter and glue, glitter and glue, ev'ryone wishes for glitter and glue!" Fennel began singing the song Silver and Gold while replacing 'silver and gold' with 'glitter and glue' as she shopped. She grabbed a pack of crayons, a pack of markers, and a bottle of glue and glitter. A bag of beads and a roll of stretchy string was soon also added to her bag, which she'd grabbed before leaving the treehouse. Yellow paper and paint were added as well. "Yay! I've got everything I need."

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