Chapter 1

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Hey people! I haven't ever written a story before so I'm not sure if it will be good but I will try my best. Criticism would be helpful but please be nice. What Scarlet is wearing is up the top ^. I thought the song was appropriate for this chapter. Hope you like it x Fazzbubbles

"Scarlet! Up up up! Wake up! I know it's a Saturday bu-"
"Exactly! So why the hell are you waking me up on a Saturday morning!" I spoke, muffled by the blanket that was covering my face. My voice getting progressively louder as I went on.
"I would have explained if you had let me finish." She said as she pulled the covers from me. She stroked my hair out of my face gently before continuing. "Calum is back."

I froze. "What?" My mother's face broke into a smile. She had always loved Calum like a son. However we hadn't seen him since he left for the Navy 3 years ago. His mum, Joy, says that he had grown up quite a lot, well, as much as she could see on FaceTime.  'A real man now' as she puts it. We used to be really close, I mean extremely close. We would go everywhere with each other but when he left we didn't talk much anymore and slowly drifted apart. So knowing that he is back now makes me nervous.

What will he look like?
Will he know who I am?
Will we treat each other like we did when he left?

With so many questions running through my head I got out of bed. My mum had left by now, probably busy with getting the house tidy for his return. I jumped in the shower and laverd my hair with shampoo. Being the stupid girl I am I got a bit in my eye.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I shouted as I reached my arm out of the shower for a towel to wipe my eye with.
"Looking for this?" A deep voice said from the door. I used my good eye to look around. A guy was leaning against the frame of the door with a towel hanging off his finger. His dark hair tousled on top of his head, curling into his brown eyes. He was wearing a black tank top that showed off his muscles arms deliciously and he wore black skinny jeans with black Doc. Martins. His full lips held a smirk as he noticed me checking him out. When I came back to earth I realised where I was.

"CALUM!" I screamed, covering myself with the shower curtain.

"Yes?" He asked coolly. That bastard!

"Give me the towel and get out!"

"Why?" He didn't move from his spot in the doorway.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe because I am naked!"

"And?" He still had that cheeky smirk on his face. Like his hand had been caught in the cookie jar but he wasn't guilty.

"And maybe i don't want you to see me naked!"

"Fine, fine!" He held his hands up in defence and put the towel in my hand and walked out. But not before he took another look at my body. I washed the soap out of my eye and washing the rest of my body.

Once I got out the shower and was dressed I evaluated myself in the mirror. I looked okay I guess. With my auburn red hair that waved down to my waist and my heart shaped face that held high cheekbones. I wasn't like my friends, especially with my tall and curvy body. The only part I really liked about myself was my legs. They were long and toned. 'They could go on forever' some guys say. I guess that what they like. I was wearing a black crop top and a red tartan pencil skirt with a leather jacket, a black fedora hat and red Doc. Martins.

I headed downstairs to find my mum everyone sitting at the table. My mum, Joy, David, Calum and Mali. Mali was like the sister I never had, she was always so kind and caring towards me and she always made time for me. I was an only child so with her and Calum I didn't feel alone. I sat in the empty seat next to Calum and took my portion from the tray of macaroni cheese. My favourite! Once I had mine everyone started to dig in. I moaned a little as I took my first mouthful and Calum stop chewing and stiffened a little beside me.

That was weird, maybe he doesn't like the macaroni. I thought but quickly discarded it because Calum has always loved macaroni like me. He couldn't have changed that much while he was away. Before I could think too much into it my mum started to speak.

"So Calum, how long are you staying?" She asked. Joy and David looked at him expectantly.
"W-well I... Umm I-I umm" he spluttered. I could see that Calum was struggling to answer so I butted in.

"We don't need to worry about that yet mum! He has only just got back so let's enjoy him being here for now." Calum let out a large breath and I gave him a reassuring smile. I will have to ask him what's wrong later.

We made small talk around the table and soon enough we were saying goodbye at the door. Once we had said our goodbyes I headed upstairs to bed. I  put on my unicorn onesie and jumped into my double bed. I buried my face into the pillow and slowly dozed off.

Buzz buzz!

I woke up to my phone vibrating on my desk beside me. It was a text. I picked up my phone and looked at the time.

00:51 am

Who the hell was texting me at this time and disrupting my sleep! I unlocked my phone and looked at the text.

Can I come over??

So I see he still has the same number from when he left.
Why does he want to come over now?
What's so important that couldn't wait till the morning?

Yeah, sure. Be quiet though.

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