Chapter 1

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Book started- January 1st 2016

"Avery! Avery! BITCH WAKE THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW!!" my best friend Michael yells, attempting to wake me up to go to school.

"Leave me the fuck alone, let me sleep."

"Oh, no you are NOT going back to sleep on me", and that's when I no longer feel the covers wrapped around my cold body.

"Okay, okay I'm up, but you can't just remove the covers from me like that. I could of been indecent."

"Are you fricking kidding me Avery? Who would of wanted to see your ugly body anyway?"

"Thanks for the support Mich, I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome bitch, now get ready for school you're making me late, as usual. I'll be down stairs."

I slip into my black skinny jeans, along with a graphic t-shirt, and a black and red flannel.
I apply the usual amount of make up which is mascara, foundation and lipstick.
"Black or red lipstick?" I say to myself trying to decide what color to wear, I end up with the red on. I take my black leather back pack and head down stairs.

"Glad to see you're up." my step-father says to me while I roll my eyes and take two of the pancakes out of the stack he has made. When I was 7 my father died, and a few years ago my mother finally got remarried leaving me with a step-sister my age and a step-brother who is younger.

"Oh come on Avery, you're almost 17. Why can't you start caring more about your grades and looking into colleges?" he whines. I know for sure that he was comparing me to my step-sister Kirsty.

"I am fine, I am an average student with grades. Yeah they might not be the best, but I don't want to start looking into colleges yet."

"Avery, you have spent your whole life working hard in school and now that you're near the end, why let all the hard work you put in go to waste? And besides your real dad  would of never want-"

Before he could even finish, I was out of the door with Michael following behind me. We walk in silence for 5 minutes before Michael starts to talk.

"Why do you still blame yourself Avery? You can't just shut down when ever he is mentioned it was not your fault."

"I miss him so much Mich, I can never forget what happened. It just hurts me when he tries to be my dad."

"You were 7 when he died. You let it impact you so much, just let it go."

"Just shut up already," we walked in complete silence and that's how we stayed until we got to school.

"I really do hate this place."

"I mean it's not that bad," Michael shrugs.

"Only you do not have annoying step-father on your case."

"Oh come on Ave, it's not that bad. It could be worse."

"Point given."
"I'll meet you in first period we are going to be late." I walk to my locker and take out the books I need for class, and put the books in my back pack that I will need later in my bag. The bell suddenly rings and I start running to my first period which is physics. When I get to the class room, I attempt to sneak in to my seat which is in the back of the class.

"Avery Collins I do not accept tardiness in my class do you understand me?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Good, then I will see you after class."

I then continue to walk to my table where I sit right next to Michael.

"Look who was late to class."

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