Chapter One

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Today was my first day at my new school, I  was nervous but excited at the same time. Today was a fresh start, a day I can forget about my old self and create a new self, a new chapter in my life. I put on her red and black plaid school uniform and headed downstairs. "Good morning Daffodil! Ready for a new start?" said my mom, Carrie, as she poured herself a cup of coffee.
"I don't know, I feel bad leaving my old friends," I knew they weren't really friends "...and Dad" I continued and hesitated when I said Dad.
"You know this is for our own good, your father would have wanted this." My moms voice was soft.
"I know I just miss him so much!" When I said that it hurt so bad, it felt like I just let go of him, like I knew he was never coming back.
"Well we better get going or were going to be late." She changed the subject before I started to cry.
I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. This is the day I finally accepted my dads death, not 7 years ago, today. Today is when it hurt most.

When I got into the car I noticed that I had forgotten to eat breakfast so I asked mom if we could go to Tim Hortons. She happily bought me a muffin. When we arrived at the school I got out of the car and said goodbye to my mother, I had science first iso I made my way to room 205, I had no idea where I was going. I decided to ask someone. "Hi I'm Becca, you look lost."  said one girl, she had blue eyes,light brown hair in a bun and from what I could tell she's about my age, sporty and she seemed pretty fit.
"Hey I'm Daffodil" I said awkwardly.
"Daffodil" she repeated "I like that name"
"Thanks, I like your name too" I smiled. Becca seemed really nice, I wanted to make a good impression but be honest about myself but the only thing is that I knew was everything about my old self and nothing about my new self.
"So do you know where room 205 is?" I felt like a tourist asking for directions.
"Oh yeah that's my next class too! Just follow me" I was relieved that someone I knew was in my class.

When we walked inside the first thing I saw was a fight with a bunch of girls and one guy. "What the hell?" I asked hesitantly.
"That's the usual Ethan brawl" she replied like it was a normal thing. When she said "usual" it made me think of my old school and the gangs.
"They're all fighting over one guy?"
"Yep, he's the cutest guy here!" I focused on him, he look 17 or 18, sporty, short dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and that smirk that all girls know too well.
"That's stupid, he's not even that cute" I lied.
"Well that's good I guess, he's the biggest player here, he sleeps with a girl then moves on to the next" Becca responded.
I could tell she knew I lied and put that in there to tell me to be careful.
"Let's go to class." When I said that, class was the last thing on my mind.

When we walked in the class Becca had to sit at a different table so I sat on the far side of the classroom I walked past Ethan and I guess he noticed me because he sat beside me. I went on my Instagram trying to ignore him but he made it difficult when he said "You must be the new girl," I tried to cut him off but he continued "because I would have recognized a face as pretty as yours." I couldn't help but laugh.
"How long did it take you to come up with that one?"
"not long after seeing how beautiful you are." "Sorry not interested." I stated.
By his facial expression I could tell he's never been turned down before.
"Playing hard to get? I like it."
"I'm not playing hard to get. I'm being realistic." To my surprise, he stopped.

The day passed by and I gave Becca my number so I could text her when I was ready to go to the mall after school. I went home and changed into my jean shorts and my navy blue shirt. After texting Becca that I was on my way I headed downstairs and told mom that I was taking the car and I left in a hurry. I got there a couple minutes late and to my surprise there were two other girls, Becca introduced me to them, Laina and Talia. Laina looked about my age, she had that look, the one that made her look popular, she wore expensive clothing, she has green eyes and shoulder length black hair. Talia said she likes to draw, she looks artistic ,she has long ginger hair and hazel eyes. We went shopping for two hours and we bought a lot of clothes. Realizing I had to be home at 6 and I said bye and headed home, I got there just in time. I grabbed a slice of pizza and went to my room. I was about to watch Star Wars but then a text interrupted me, I decided Star Wars could wait so I read the message.
Unknown: Hey new girl.
Me: Who is this?
Unknown: It's Ethan
Me: why won't you leave me alone? Hadn't had enough rejection for 1 day?
Ethan: Because we haven't gone on a date yet.
Me: And we never will.
Ethan: Have it your way, I'll keep bugging you.
Me: So if I go on a date with you you'll leave me alone?
Me: Okay ONE date! That's it.
Ethan: Good! I'll pick you up at 6:30 pm tomorrow.
Me: Okay bye.
Ethan: Bye new girl
Me: you know I have a name right
Ethan: But its not original.
Me:  I'm pretty sure Daffodil is original
Ethan: Not like that, it has to be special to me
Me: Fine than whats my nickname?
Ethan: Hmm how about bunny?
Me: Bunny?
Ethan: Yep
Me: why bunny?
Ethan: Well obviously your as cute as a bunny.
Me: Well I have to go watch a Star Wars marathon before the movie.
Ethan: Okay bye bunny.

Bunny? I don't know what it was but I liked it. Sure it was kind of dumb and made him sound like a five year old but it was cute.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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