Chapter 14

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Reagan's POV.

"Mom I need to please! He needs me. I promise I'll go to school on Wednesday, just let me stay with him until Tuesday night. PLEASE." I beg through the phone as a crying Jayson clutches onto my shirt as we lay on his couch.

"No more of this Reagan. I approve of this relationship but you're still not old enough for overnight stays like this on a school night. This is the only time I'm allowing this. Remember-" I press the end button quickly, not in the mood to hear her say something that I already knew. Only thing on my mind right now is nursing my baby boy back to his normal self.

"I'm (sniffle) sorry I'm acting like a bitch right now I haven't cried in 14 years. Not even when my parents died Ray. I miss them so much. They would know what to do right now.I just want them back!" Jay rips himself from me with a face of total rage,wet tears staining the face I love.

"Jay what are you doing?" I say with a shaky voice as I follow him as he plows his way into the kitchen, knocking over anything in his way. I never thought I'd see him like this and quite frankly I have no clue what to do! I mean I have to stop him before he goes crazy but my small 5'3" frame is nothing compared to his VERY muscular 6'3" stature. He's seeing red right now and I'm scared that if I step in he'll hurt me. I can't risk him hurting himself though....

"Jayson WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He looks at me with a bottle of whiskey in his hands and a....razor blade? with the scariest look I've ever seen. Now I can't back down. I step close to him trying to mask my fear with confidence.

"Jayson it's me. Ray. Hand me the whiskey and the blade please." I say in a low tone just a few steps from him. His hard facials remain and I open my hands for him to give me the cryptic items.

"I love you. Don't do this. For me.....for Kyrie." I say and close the gap between us. The bottle and blade drop onto the ground with a loud thump, and surprisingly, no glass shatters. I sigh in relief and tears start to roll down my face as Jay drops to his knees, wrapping his arms around my lower back and clutching onto my mid to lower half, letting out all the emotions he's been feeling. I rub his back and we both silently cry in the same position for about 10 minutes. Jay then picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to his bed, laying me down with him softly,kissing my temples..cheeks..nose..and finally he presses an apologetic kiss on my lips.

"I'm sorry baby." He says, wrapping his strong arms around my ways closing his eyes.I don't reply but just press a long kiss to his forehead in a way to say goodnight. We both deserve some kind of release after today's crazy shenanigans.

"The hearing is February 2nd 2016?" I wake up to Jay's resonant voice filling the room. With groggy eyes, I head to the bathroom and take care of my morningly duties. I lay back down and his back is to me, work phone in hand and his huge 60 inch displays a paused image of TMZ's latest headline. "Jay Frazier ARRESTED!". Yesterday was so not it, so hopefully I can do everything in my power to make today better for my baby.

I crawl over to him,wrapping myself around his body,kissing his neck softly, reaching for the remote I turn the wretched show off.

"O- Oka- Okay Mr. Greyson I- I'll- fuck." Jay stutters with his eyes closed and I smile to myself triumphantly.

"No,everything is just fine." Jay says into the phone as a he picks me up and playfully drops me onto the bed, crawling in between my legs.

"You wanna play, huh?" He mouths to me with that unforgettable smirk. I wink at him and bite my finger, pulling his face down to mine, ravishing his lips like it was the last time we would see each other.

His lips leave mine and I pout for a millisecond until I feel them reconnect on my neck. I moan out rather loudly and grab the phone out of Jay's hand.

"Mr. Greyson we'll have to call you back later." I moan out breathlessly and throw his phone onto the love seat. I hear a chuckle from Jay as he kisses all over my semi naked body. Yes I sleep in my under wear and if you don't sleep in just underwear or in the nude, you're nuts.

"Tell papi how much you been wanting this fuck." He growls into my ear. I grab his hair softly and bring his lips to mine. I kiss him over and over, with all the passion and lust I can.

"If you don't fuck me right now,I'm going to tie you to the bed and ride your dick against your will." And with that, he carries me to the shower and we have some of the best sex ever.

Jay's POV.

My morning is looking a lot better than yesterday thanks to my baby. I really love him dude. Like me and lil baby really could start a prosperous family if God's willing. After last night with me blacking out and almost reverting back to my.....old ways, Ray stayed through it all and let me just cry it out man. I truly thank and appreciate the person he is for me. Which is why I fucked his brains out 🍑😋.

"Don't miss the exit Jay." Reagan says as he orders a few things from H&M online on his phone. I owed him another pair of pants from our first "love session", and he's just been so good to me so I let him hold the black card and go crazy.

As I get off the exit I grab Ray's hand and give it a concerned squeeze. My palms are starting to get sweaty and I don't think I've ever been so nervous as I am right now pulling into the neighborhood where my mom lives. Almost like he's in my mind, Ray puts his phone down and kisses my cheek as I park in front of the house.

"It's going to be alright Jay. Kyrie knows you were just trying to protect him and Desiree."

"You weren't there to hear his screams as I almost murdered that man Ray. How can you say that?"

"Kyrie is your only son and you are his only father. The bond that you two have established could never be broken. You're making it seem like you're some deadbeat who showed out like he normally does. This was just a slip up by a PHENOMENAL father that will be forgiven and forgotten by his only begotten, loving, and understanding son."

"What did I do to deserve you Ray?"

"I ask myself the same thing baby." He then grabs my head, planting a small kiss atop my forehead.

Walking up the pathway to the front door hand in hand with Jay,I do a few breath cycles to try to calm myself down. Here goes nothing. I stick the key into the hole and twist the door handle, prepared for the worst.


😷 Not really feeling this chapter but I had to update before school got back in for y'all.

Do you think Jay was justified in his attack or should have been more mature?

How do you feel about Reagan being so supportive to Jay?

Do you think Kyrie will be upset and hold a grudge towards his father or forgive and forget?

Remember to interact with comments,votes and shares please!💖

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