Graphic Stalkers and Critiques Don't Get Along

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Within the MDC there is a thread called Graphic Stalkers, where designers come to show their last creation(s). Other designers may compliment or critique the graphic and then post their own. Graphic Stalkers in also the source to a huge percentage of MDC Drama. 

The subject to a lot of the drama on GS comes from critiques. The lack thereof or the quality of the critique. Many, including myself, would rather have a short critique of our graphics rather a general compliment such as "that is sooooo (insert adjective here)." That is not helpful for improving the graphic, but if someone does not want to give me a critique I can't force them to. Now what I see as a bigger problem is the quality of a critique. A critique is not a negative statement of one's work, but is supposed to be constructive and provide the designer with information on how they can improve their graphic. Criticism can be on font selection, text placement, image quality, coloring etc. Criticism is not saying "that's shit" and moving on. 

As nice as it may be for someone to post constructive criticism of your work, no one has to. Simply asking for it does not make one entitled to a criticism, cause to be completely honest, it is difficult writing criticism. One has to be completely confident in their work to be able to review someone else's work and offer suggestions. In addition, phrasing improvements is tricky with people you are not familiar with because no one wants to sound rude or superior in any sense, but having that impression on other people is scary.  So I understand how it may be easier to compliment and move along. 

I'm human, I like hearing compliments, especially on things that I'm proud of and spent my time on. Its a great ego boost to hear new and old designers kiss my ass and tell me how much they love my work. If you've ever seen me in GS you know that I wear #legend status as a badge of honor. 

Sometimes you may get completely ignored and I might be the first to say this but its okay! There are so many reasons to why you may have been skipped ranging from other people actually just didn't see your post or they had nothing nice to say so they didn't say anything. Getting skipped is not the end of the world and to those who start drama because of it: cry a river, build a bridge, and then get over it.  

Personally, I only comment about the graphic posted above me and I try to give a detailed critique rather than give "compliments" to six different people because as I said, critiques are better than compliments, but it also gives  someone who may be ignored by everyone else a detailed explanation on how they can improve their graphic. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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