Indigo Cafe.

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"Wow its so cold out here." 

I thought to myself while walking the brisk, cold streets of New York.

It's my birthday and I was supposed to be home watching chick flicks with Alexa, my best friend since diapers, but she canceled on me. Then, she texted me five minutes ago, telling me to meet her in the Indigo Cafe, that's around the block from where I live, for a surprise. Indigo Cafe has been my third home, after Alexa's of course. It's home to warm cookies and cupcakes. The owner is my Uncle Robbie, since I'm family Uncle Robbie refuses to let me pay. I can go there and get anything I want without paying but, i always leave a big tip that covers the cost on what I got. I wonder why Alexa would want me to meet her there at this time. I swear if I walk in there and find out its a surprise party I'm going to strangle her. Okay, maybe I'm over exaggerating but, she will have to suffer a long time of silent treatment. 

I turn the corner and see the Indigo Cafe.

"Weird, the lights are never off."

I wondered this to myself as I looked at the inside of the dark cafe. Its supposed to be an all hour cafe, why would the lights be shut off? Great, Alexa did plan a surprise party. Maybe I can just walk away and pretend I never got the text. Dang it, I already texted her back saying I would go there. I walk straight up to the front doors and think to myself it won't be that bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2011 ⏰

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