Lyric: y'all want to go to the movies
Jordan & Asia: yea
Lyric: what movie
Asia: what about paranormal activity 5
J & L: yea
Asia:we need to get dress
After they got dress lyric drove to the movie
Ticket lady:what movie
Jordan: paranormal activity 5
Ticket lady: how many
Jordan: 3
Ticket lady: ur total will be $24.63
Lyric: *hands her the money*
Ticket lady:* hands her the tickets*
Asia: do y'all want popcorn
Jordan: yes
Lyric: yea
Gets popcorn and goes into the movie theatre and sits down *10mins later*
Asia *whispers*have y'all notice those guys looking at us for the past 10 minutes
Jordan:yea they fine too
Lyric:one is coming over here
(FYI the movie hasn't started yet)
J & A & L : heyyyy
??: my friends and I were wondering if y'all wanted to watch the movie with us
J & A & L: sure