Return of Death Eaters

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*^^^^What the baby room looks like, In Spinner"s End, It's the last day of school, its June, that means 2 mouths until the baby is due Hermione POV*

Seveurs is caming home today, unile September, that gives us the rest of this month and 2 month a hand to spend together, then in on August 9th, Cameron is due. I am so excited, then baby room they work on was just perfect for a boy, I was thinking myself making dinner, Sev is probably having the feast right now, when he gets home, I will kiss him like there no tomorrow, I miss him so much, but Jack the house-elf keeps company with me. Then I hear a knock at the door, I walked over and open it, my eye widen when I saw who it was, it was Draco Malfoy and his eye were widen too. Then he said, "Please tell me that I am imagine that's right now," and I said wiredly, "Imagine what Draco," and then he said, "My father was right, Seveurs has a baby on the way and it with you Granger," and I said, "How did he know," and he said, "I really don't know, that when I lest talk to him maybe 2 month ago, I had time came and see for myself, but now I do," and I said, "Oh... Do you want to came on?"

Then he looked shocked and said, "Only few minutes.. I don't what my godfather get mad at me for hanging around with.. Er," I let him in and close the door and said, "With his what?" Then he sat on chair and said, "Are you guys married?" I said shocked a little, "No.. We are for now, girlfriend and boyfriend... Seveurs is your godfather?," He said, "Oh okay... Hanging out with his girlfriend then..... Yeah, oh no did I put him doghouse, he didn't say anything to you," I said gagging, "No his is not boghouse.. But I will talk him about," and he said, "If you put him in the boghouse... Can not machine my name in that talk,"

I sat on the counch and said, "I will not machin your name.. Do you want something eat, I was playing eating a dinner alone.. Since your here.. Where you like some dinner with me?" Then he said, "Sure! Where is that git, I think of Seveurs of that kind of person to not leave his pregnant girlfriend alone," we went to table and started eating and I said, "Don't call your godfathet that name and he is not that kind of men to do that, he at Hogwarts actually, today is last day of school and he caming home. By time he get here, you better not be here," I giggled at my joke and he almost chocked on his tea and said, "I will be out your hair don't worry."

We finished our dinner and I said him as he was leaving, "Please come and visit soon, you are part of this family now," and he said shocked, "What do mean?" and I said, "I mean, the family with me, Seveurs, Cameron, Harry, Ron, and Ginny. I forgive for what you did in school, it hard to be a son of Death Eater and be came one because of that," and he hugged me and said, "You don't know how long I wanted someone to say that. Thank you Hermione and I am sorry for all I did and please tell to everyone," I was shocked, but hugged back, he left with a wave.

I clean up and then sat down I couch and read one of parenting books I got and thought to myself, The only reason I am making Seveurs and me read those books because I didn't want be a terrible parent, and I am new to this thing, I know Sev been work with kids 10-17 maybe 18 year old for along time, becaue he's a teacher, but has he every toke care of baby? I looked at my clock and it said 8:30pm, I wonder what time Sev will get home, I know the students get out earlier then the teachers, beacause they had clean up there classrooms and pack all there staff, at that moment she felt as her eye lids where dropping, Hermione don't fall asleep, that is waste of time that you could spelled with Seveurs, I got up and stretch, she was a little tired, she went up stires, she loooked in the room who belong to her unborn boy, who will be in this room soon, then I walked into her and Seveurs room and layed bown, but also sit up to read some more.

United I heard a noise down stairs, Seveurs! I looked at clock it sound now 9:00pm, I put my rod on and went down stirs, I looked around but didn't see him and then I heard another noise and then I called out, "Seveurs is that you?" I heard nothing and then I was worried, my wand was upstairs, then a men came out now where and grabbed me and I screamed and then everything went dark.

*Seveurs POV*

I finally was down clean, Minny run with tears in her eyes, I was worried at moment and she said, "Seveurs! It's Hermione, someone heard a scream came from the house!" we both puffed to Spinner"s End and there was people where all arond the house and I run in and I didn't see Hermion, but I so all wized cops around and then I saw Harry and Ginny and she saw me and run to me and I was worried, because her eyes where watery and I said, "Ginny, please tell me! That Hermione is here somewhere," and she shock her hand "no" now my eye beginning to water and she hugged me, then she looked at me and said,

"They thank it was a Death Eaters, who take her," and then I said madly, "What!? I thought all the death eaters where at Azkaban locked up," and then she said, "There are still death eaters out there and like Bellatrix Lestrange's older brother who named is Ray and his follows... They just told us they never where find, but she also had a little brother who never became a Death Eater, but beacuse he was the brother of to death eaters, he change his name to Todd Bine,"

Then she turned and then said, "Todd over here," the young men came over and she went back to Harry and he held her and I looked at Todd coldly and he said, "Hello my name is To-," I cut him off and said coldly, "The women call you over explain everything to me," and then he said sadly, "I am sorry what my sister did in the war and now what my brother is doing," he looked done at ground and I said, "You shouldn't apologize for what they did," and he look up at me and sighed, "I know, but they would say sorry to you, so I feel like I have too... You know my name, what is your name?"

I said, "My name is Seveurs Snape, but you can call me Snape, I ask a question?" He said, "Yes," I lookes at he coldly and said, "How you not a beath eater, if your brother and sister where ones and can I trust you?" He looked at me, "Well frist off, I was sorted into Ravenclawe, my mother was Ravenclawe, so I was the only one that go her traps and my sister and bother got my father trips, plus my dad went to Azkaban, so I was close to my mother then anyone, my sister and bother stay at Hogwarts with Tom over the holidays, but when summer came, they didn't really bother woth me, so I neved got in trouble. I think you can trust me because I might know where they our keeping your girlfriend," I just looked at him and then grabbed his shirt and said madly, "If you even try to fucking lie to me, I will send you bown with your sister, soon your brother will be too!" He looked scared, my nose was touching his and he shock "yes" his hand fast, I push away and walked toward Harry to talk to him, as I walked toward him, I thinked to myself, I will find you Hermione!

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