Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Danny Dare

It had been a month since the... Incident.

To be honest, I still had a hard time believing it all had really happened - that it wasn't just a dream. The aches and pains of my body protesting even simple activity assured me that it all had indeed happened, however. I was healing slowly but surely, and would be back to work within the next couple weeks by the doctor's estimation. I welcomed this news, as returning to work meant getting back to my life. It meant everything would be back normal again.

Back to the way it was before Slen.

Thinking about the Slender man brought conflicting feelings of anger, fear, and loss.  How could this have happened? Why couldn't I have just found a nice, human man to fall in love with, and live happily ever after? Why did I have to fall for a murderer - the very man who had been preying on me for months. I had ignored every single obvious sign and dove head first into his charm, his humor, and his smile.

Slen had lied to me and betrayed me in the cruelest way possible. Even as I had been giving my heart to him, I knew he must have only been laughing at my fool hearted trust. This had all been just a part of his game, and I'm sure it played out perfectly for his amusement. 

He never really cared for me after all...

So now it was time to get on with life, and try and forget about all this supernatural bullshit. I wasn't sure if the Slender man would continue stalking me or not, but something told me I'd seen the last of him.

The sun was hot as always, and I sat in the shade of the pine tree in my front yard, just letting the warm breeze wash over me. The cast on my foot made it hard to lay my legs comfortably, but at least my arm didn't have to stay in a sling anymore. After having been stuck in the wheelchair for the first couple weeks, I was ecstatic to upgrade to crutches once my elbow was strong enough to support me.

The air was peaceful, and I felt unusually at ease - which was good considering I'd come out there in an attempt to relax - until I noticed a strange man walking down the street. He walk - no, he strutted - along the road, whistling a toon to himself as he glanced about his surroundings. His black fedora was tilted to keep the sun out of his dark eyes, and the trench coat he wore in this summer weather is what had instantly caught my attention and made me wary. After everything I'd been through lately, I honestly wasn't that surprised when his stride halted at the end of driveway.

"Well hey there, beautiful," he grinned at me, and tilted his fedora in greeting. "How's it hanging?"

I didn't smile back. "Do I know you?" I asked hesitantly.

He chuckled and shook his head. "My, my, you're a friendly one, aren't you?" I didn't reply, and he smiled and held up his hands in surrender. "I come in peace, sweetheart. Don't look so scared."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You can never be too sure now days."

He chuckled again and approached me, and I stiffened when he sprawled next to me on the grass. "Relax, baby cakes, seriously. I came here to have an open conversation with you, and if you keep looking at me like I'm my cousin, this isn't gonna work."

My heart skipped a beat at his words and I felt the blood drain from my face. I knew it. "You're cousin wouldn't happen to be the... Slender man, would he?" I asked quietly. Blood was pounding in my ears and cold fear clenched my stomach. Part of me had been afraid others would come for me - after all, Habit had made it his business to get rid of me for some reason. Perhaps there were others affiliated with the Tall One who wanted me dead too.

The man next to me grimaced, "Yes, that would be him," he confirmed. "And I know what you're thinking Danny - but I'm not here to do you in. None of the family had a problem with you two being together. Hell, his brothers were ecstatic when they heard. Poor whelp probably hasn't gotten laid in god knows how many centuries - if ever." He shuddered at this as if this was the most horrible thing he could think of. I just stared at him wide-eyed. To me, other matters were much more concerning at the moment.

"Who... Who are you?"

"Why my dear, did the trench coat not give it away? I'm Sexual Offender man! You can just call me Smexy if you like though," he said merrily.

"I-I'm not sure I'm entirely c-comfortable with that..." I stuttered. First I fall for the murder, now I'm sitting in my yard talking with the rapist.

What. The. Fuck.

The pale man pouted. "Aw, you're no fun. You already know I'm not human, do I really have to come up with a dumb ass alias just so you feel better about it? I was amazed my brother went along with it when he met you, but I have no shame! I'm Smexy, and I know it!" He puffed his chest out proudly at this, and against my own will, I actually cracked a smile.

"You know, you're not anything like what I'd expected."

"What, you thought the Sexual Offender man would be some creepy, greasy fucker running around with his cock out? Nah babe, we Slender folk have more class than that. It's part of how we are as a species. I'm a rapist with charm, Slender's a murderer in a suit... We've each got our little quirks, but we have to be attractive at the same time. It's one of the many ways we can catch our prey," he explained with a wink.

"What about the... others?" I asked.

"Well, to be quite honest, Slender, Ender, and I are the only deadly ones-"

"Was the Enderman the person Slen- uh, the Slender man introduced me to right before everything... happened?"

Smexy shot me an annoyed glance. "Yes, that was my lame ass brother you had lunch with. Now let me finish answering one question before you ask another."

"Sorry," I said meekly, and ducked my head to hide my blush of embarrassment. Go figure the three I've met are the only three that are killers. I really didn't know why I was even still sitting here talking with the admitted rapist and murderer, except for the fact that I knew there was no chance of me escaping on crutches.

Smexy continued, "I guess you could say Ender's quirk is that he's usually very shy, and that he'll only kill you if you look him in the eye. As for Trender and Splendor - they're more attached to humans as companions rather than play things. Trender can be dangers on occasion if you piss him off enough, but Splendor wouldn't hurt a fly."

"So why are you telling me all this?" I still didn't understand why he was here, if he truly wasn't here to hurt me. He was only adding to my confusion by giving me all this information - surely I was a liability if I 'knew too much?'

"Because these are things you need to know, honey bun."

"But why?" I asked flabbergasted.

The Sexual Offender man frowned at me slightly, considering me for a moment. "Slender has been alone for a long time. I think it should be obvious why I'm here, Danny." I swallowed nervously as he paused. "I'm here to help get you two back together."

A/N: Hmm, how is Danny going to react to this? I highly doubt she'll be happy. Guess we'll have to wait till next chapter to find out! ;D

On a more serious note, I'd like to take a moment of silence for a couple of lost stars. As many of you probably know already, both David Bowie and Alan Rickman passed away earlier this week. What many of you don't know is that for a while now I was planing to do a Snager (Snape x Hermione) fanfic once this one was finished. Now that our dear Professor Snape truly is gone, I especially feel the need to do this fic. I might - MIGHT - start posting it before What is Love is finished up simply to get it out of my head, but I haven't decided yet. I will also be doing a Labyrinth Jareth x Sarah fanfiction in honor of Mr. Bowie. I don't often get super sad over celebrities, but both these men and their characters had a special place in my heart, and I shall make sure they are remembered.


- Erin

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