What happens next?

37 2 4

{This is a short chapter ....t('-'....} 

     "Lily!" Zig screamed bloody murder, quickly jumping onto the opposite side angrily trying to lift the tree. Strangled sobs coming from the others. The Doctor weakly looked at the boy he dropped moments ago. Blood spilling out from under the brown mess of hair. 

     "No...No!...He can't..." John-David whimpers checking for a pulse in Pedro's wrist. "I didn't...I didn't mean to...I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to drop you!" Strangled cries left his lips. "I didn't mean to kill you!" He brought his hands to his head and started sobbing the phrase of apology,over and over again.

     "This can't seriously be happening! It can't! It just cant..." Ariana began to scream out in frustration while crying her heart out. "Its not fair! Its just not fair!"

     "Doctor get your ass up and help me!" Zig yelled looking up, his eyes threatening to spill over in hot tears. DETERMINATION filled him, wanting to help his friend and refusing the thought of losing another friend. The Doctor shakily stood and made his way towards the cracked concrete and fallen tree. The two began to slowly lift the tree, but a sicking snap was heard under it. Everyone cringed not knowing what the snap was.

     "I see her!" Momo suddenly yelled, and trudged over on her knees. The boys held the tree up as Momo reached under and dragged out a bloody body.

     "Oh my god!" Ariana yelled, seeing the small figure. The boys dropped the tree and stood above Momo held her breath at the sight in her arms. A decent sized branch was lodged the back between Lily's joint holding shoulder on her torso, going all the way through and sticking out threw the front. Her eyes were shut and her body was limp. Blood was spilling out over Momo. She began to cry harder than before, Bowtie sitting next to her now, no emotion showing what so ever while staring blankly at the tree. 

    "No...She's dead because I didn't move fast enough..." Zig spoke angrily. "We need to wait for help...Watch over the dead ones...Make sure they are taken care of." 

     "No more earthquakes...Right?" Ariana asked almost regretfully.

     "Cant tell..." Zig replied standing over the tree glaring at it. Ariana silently sat next to Pedro,while the doctor broke down; falling to his knees and crying horribly. 

     "Brown boy....No...." Ariana pulled the child into her arms and held him close to her. "Its not fair its not fair its not fair...." She repeated over and over while rocking the limp body back and forth. 

The sky darkened and rain began to sprinkle on to the campus, like it was mourning with the others. Sirens were heard in the distance, and were quickly coming closer.  It all felt like a dream. None of it was supposed to ever happen. Never ever. Cops, Paramedics, and Firefighters quickly filled the campus. The first ones on campus found us by the broken bridge. 1 cop, 2 paramedics and 2 firefighters made their way to us while the others flooded the school. The firefighters went over to John-David and Zig, the cop to the bridge inspecting the splattered remains of Brendan, and paramedics to both Ariana, Pedro,  Momo, Lily and Bowtie.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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