Chapter Two

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"Hi, my name is Genevieve Barrett and I will be singing I Can Do Better Than That from The Last Five Years." I smiled at the table of men who patiently waited for me to start. Soon enough, I was finished with the song and thanked everyone in the room who were all writing down notes. 

Going back to the room with all of the other girls who auditioned for Heather Chandler, I sat down and started to chat with the woman next to me. After twenty or so more girls were called into the room, one of the interns came out with a clipboard and became to call out numbers that we were given as we walked into the room. 

"12, 16, 26, 38, and 46. Come with me." Girls got up and I began to grab my stuff sighing and took off my number. 38. Wait. Did he say 38. I looked down at the number and as did the girl next to me who offered a quick congratulations. Dropping everything, I scrambled to the intern holding the door open and quickly joined the other four girls who were also in the room.

Andy Fickman, the director of the musical stood up and started talking. "Alright so this is a callback of sorts. While all of you auditioned for the part of Heather Chandler, some of us feel as though some of you would be better suited at a different role in the show. Let's start again with 12."

The four of us left the room once again and sat back down in our chairs once again. I quickly took out my phone and texted Aaron.

"!!!CB!!!" I typed and hit send, knowing he knew what it would mean. Sure enough my phone's screen lit up before I even placed it back in my bag with a reply from Aaron.

"NO WAY I TOLD YOU. BREAK A LEG. OR BOTH" I smiled at the reply and threw my phone back into my handbag. I waited another 30 minutes before the intern came back out and called my number. The previous 3 girls had left and now it was me and 46 left. Nervously, I got up and followed him into the room once more, standing before the directors and producers.

Andy looked up from his notes and addressed me. "Genevieve right?"

"Yes that is correct sir," I replied, trying to fight the urge to fidget or wring my hands.

"Ah yes Genevieve, is there anything with a bit more emotion you could perform for us? Something on the deeper size?"

I scanned my brain for songs I kept in my pocket for moments like these "Uh, yes sir I could sing Santa Fe or Corner of the Sky?" I questioned.

"Male ballads, bold choice. Let's hear the Pippin one, no?"

I nodded and began the song. Ending the last high note and opening my eyes, I looked up and saw four sets of eyes focused on me instead of distracted as they were the first time.

"Great, good. Thank you Ms. Barrett, you will hear from us soon. By the end of the week at the most." Andy said. I thanked everyone once again and walked out of the room and gathered my things. I texted Aaron to let him know I was finished and was shocked to see that it was already 4:30. I walked out of the theater to see Aaron standing against the wall already.

"Do you always have to be creeping around?" I asked him and earned a laugh. "Seriously though, I've been in there for like 5 hours, were you just sitting outside waiting?"

Aaron shook his head and responded "No I went back to your place and packed a bag for you to come stay at mine a bit and chilled at my apartment but got worried around 3 when you still hadn't called." I nodded and hopped into his car and Aaron closed the door and went around to get into the drivers seat. As soon as he got in, he looked over expectantly. I pretended to ignore him while I took out my phone to check my messages.

"GEN. You're leaving me in agony." I laughed and finally decided to tell him how it went.

"I mean only five girls were kept and they had me sing a 'more emotional song'," I said using air quotes and continued. "So I mean I don't know why, but it's over and done with now. I feel pretty good about it so we shall see."

Aaron nodded and started the car. "Well, a callback is a great thing. And hey, if they had you sing something else then that's great. What did you sing?"

I looked over, knowing that he would groan the minute I replied. I looked over and gave him a look of pleading. Aaron groaned and immediately knew.

"Corner of the Sky?" he asked looking over with an almost disapproving look. I nodded sheepishly and he sighed. "I hate that damn musical, but you might want to record this by the way, the song is a good one for you, so I'm sure the director was impressed." I was genuinely surprised.

"Wow the god Aaron Tveit admits that he is wrong for once no way. I can't believe my ears. Quick, look out the window. Are pigs flying?" I joked sarcastically.

"Alright alright enough. I was thinking we could get some chinese takeout tonight, but there's always that kale sitting in my fridge..."

I yelled, "No no nope, I will go home if you cook that seaweed. Let's go to that little place by the coffee shop. It has the best egg rolls."

"Fine, but if you get to pick the food I get to pick the movie tonight." He looked over with that stupid grin.

I groaned and slumped in the passenger seat. "Oh no Aaron, anything but Gremlins. You say every line." He laughed in return and kept driving. 


A/N: This chapter really sucks but I'm writing the third now so hopefully it will be up soon. 

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