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This one/Shot is based off of Ghost Whisperer, when Benford dies. My OC and Ned are dating.


Emily Pov

I was currently helping Delia at her office. She was trying to get Benford to sign a paper, when he said he had Ned on the line. "Ned I also have Emily here to say hi Emily" he says holding his cell phone up to me. "Hi Ned" I say into the phone, Ned tried to say something back but Benford already put the phone back to his ear.

Ned's Pov

"Benford I swear to god if you hurt my mom or Emily I swear to god"

"Yes" says Benford. "Okay well you bring the paper work to your mom's office quickly while we all are still here" he says.

"DAMM IT" I yell and slam the phone. He then glanced at Melinda with worry.

Emily's Pov

"So is the house you are selling yours?" asks Delia.

"Uh no it's it's my mother's, but she passed away recently" he says sweating.

"Oh I'm sorry for you loss" I say to Benford.

"Thank you dear" he says he then starts shaking.

I then heard police sirens the pulled into the front of Delia's office.

No One's Pov

Benford looked out the window, and saw Eli coming towards them. "No it isn't suppose to be him" he says angry. Once Eli walks through the door Benford takes out a bomb. "Be very still now" he tells Delia and Emily.

"I have what you want, now let then go" Eli tells Benford.

"Eli what the heck is going on" says Delia.

"Delia, Emily walk towards the door now" Eli says to us, and we do what he says.

"Leave" Eli tells us, "Eli come with us" Emily pleads him.

"It's okay just go" he reassures us. Delia leaves, but Emily stays put.

Eli then hands Benford the book, he takes it to his desk, and starts looking through it. "NO NO NO WHERE IS IT WHERE IS IT!!!" he starts yelling. "GO GO" says Eli push Emily out the door. Eli and Emily start running away from the building. Emily stopped running and turned around. But to only be blown backwards by the exploding windows. Ned then runs through the cloud of smoke. "Emily are you ok" he asks. Emily looks up at him "Ned when did you get here" she says then smiles. He smiles right back at her, and takes off his leather, and puts it around her.

Time Skip to Ned & Emily's Apartment

Emily was currently laying her head on Ned's lap.

"I thought I was going to lose you today" says Ned.

"Your going to have to try a lot harder to get rid of me" Emily says.

"I love you" Ned says, "I love you too" Emily says back.

Ned then leans down and gives Emily a kiss on the lips.

Ghost Whisperer Ned One/ShotWhere stories live. Discover now