The Way That Gravity Pushes on You and Me

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Hey, guys! :) So, I am back! I have been really busy lately. Sorry, guys! This is a one shot, inspired by the video, Gravity by sleepwalker & hardbecks. If you haven't watched this video, please do! It's breathtakingly beautiful. This one shot is pure angst/hurt & comfort. If you like that kind of stuff, then please, be my guest. (Who doesn't? ;)) So, be prepared. It has MAJOR Season 3 Episode 10 spoilers. Make sure you leave feedback and vote. Thank you! Here goes nothing... :')



After their long mission, and managing to get out of the castle, the team was dismissed and everyone retired to their bunks, and immediately drifted off to a long and peaceful sleep; except for a few: May, Coulson and FitzSimmons; who had a lot on their minds. 

Andrew had been let out by Jemma, while she was trying to escape from Hydra's captivity. He had saved her life, and Jemma clearly appreciated it, but was disappointed when she learnt about how Andrew had killed all Inhumans while she wasn't around, and somehow she felt responsible. If only she hadn't opened the container and listened to Andrew, so many Inhumans wouldn't have died. If only...

But May; May couldn't even differentiate Andrew from Lash; they both seemed the same to her now. She didn't know whether  she could trust him anymore; she didn't know whether she knew him anymore; she didn't know whether he was the same Andrew she fell in love with all those years ago; she didn't know Andrew at all; and that's what was the worst part of it all. However, she was glad about the fact that everyone had come out alive and well; not severely injured at least; especially Coulson.

Coulson was lying on his bed with a hurricane in his heart. There were a lot of things he was wondering and was worried about - he had just killed a man in cold blood and taken his revenge; he had avenged Rosalind's death; he had avenged the damage Ward had caused to his team two years ago, but Coulson wasn't feeling satisfied; he wasn't feeling content; he was feeling... guilty?

Coulson wasn't a killer; he wasn't Ward. Coulson was a man who believed in trust, dignity, sacrifice and love. Perhaps the past events had turned him in to something he never wanted to become. Surely Coulson needed a good night's rest; so that he  could sort out things in  the morning. Perhaps even tell May or Sky-Daisy about what he had done; perhaps the whole team. Surely they wouldn't think of him as someone like Ward- a psychopath. Fitz was there, he saw the entire scene; what was he thinking about Coulson? They all knew about the horrors Ward had caused, right? He was justified, right? 

All these thoughts were giving the Director a headache, so he decided to give in and rest. To wake up the next morning with a fresh mind, with new ideas, hopes and promises.

Fitz was making his way to Simmons' bunk, after being treated in the lab for his injuries by Bobbi. How much he wished for Simmons to be there, treating him, instead of Bobbi. It wasn't because Bobbi wasn't good at her job, she was quite brilliant, really, but because this was Jemma's job; she was the biochemist always running around the lab searching for the ointments, swabs and medicines required for her patient's healing ; she was the doctor.

Fitz smiled to himself, while remembering all those times before Shield was infiltrated by Hydra; all those times with Ward and how he, himself, Jemma and Skye were children. They were innocent, pure, young; and after their world shattered around them, they became people whom they wouldn't have even believed of becoming before Shield was infiltrated.

It was their "journey into mystery"; there was no doubt about it. Hydra, the Terrigen mist, Inhumans and the Kree stone - they were all mysteries, but when Jemma had said this, she was so excited about entering this mysterious world, everyone had gotten to know about after New York. Even the word "alien" always had something to do with fiction and never with human lives. Eventually, this concept changed, as did human lives.

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