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Sunday September 21,2015

My earphones were blasting with music as I laid down in my room. I loved music because if you can find the right song it'll describe you perfectly. You're life, you're struggles, you're feelings. Music has a special way of connecting with me.

I spelled weed and instantly stood up and checked my shoe box. The weed was missing. I threw my phone on my bed and ran out my room. My brothers room was in the basement and the more I walked towards the room the stronger the smell got.

I got downstairs and barged into my brother Masons room. There was some girl half naked smoking my weed in his bed. Mason was almost sixteen and I'm seventeen but we're mature for our ages.

"How the hell did you get in here" I asked the girl. She looked at me with her brown eyes and back at the TV.

"Mason let me in" She said putting the blunt to her lips and smoke came from her nose and mouth.

"Where is Mason" I questioned.

"Bathroom" She replied.

Condom rappers were every where and it smelled like weed and cupcakes. Weird combination but its normal for Mason.

"What's you're name" I asked the girl. She sat up on the bed and held her stomach.

"First time?"

"Yeah" She was stunning. Blond hair, blue eyes, and a perfect body. "I'm Margo" She had a breathtaking smile.

The bathroom door opened and my brother walked out with a towel around his waist and he was wet. I instantly became angry at his presence.

"Upstairs before I embarrass you in front of you're friend" I growled."Nice meeting you Margo but I doubt if you'll be the girl in his room tomorrow" I walked up stairs angry. Weed isn't free and I barely made enough to buy that bag.

I could hear him storming upstairs. Sounds like he's almost as angry as me.

"What the fuck is you're problem" He yelled.

"Margo is obviously a young girl, you're fifteen having sex and you stole my weed to give her" I screamed "How would mom feel knowing her youngest is getting high and fucking a different girl every other night" I yelled at him.

"The same way she would knowing her perfect princess has pounds of weed and she isn't a virgin." I got extremely quiet and grew more angry. "So keep you're bug mouth shut" He turned to walk downstairs. "You're the best older sister ever" He yelled sarcastically walking downstairs.

I walked to my room and shut the door. I hated being his older sister. He makes me feel like I'm a bad sister. Which I am but that doesn't mean he should constantly bring it up. I'm not the one sleeping around.

I just smoke and drink, but its not an everyday thing. Its an every other day thing.

I heard giggling from downstairs but I knew it wasn't the girl Mason had in the basement, they never leave going upstairs, but my mom had work.

I rasied up and opened my door. I walked towards the family room and there was some blond girl on the couch with a club dress.

"Babe.." My dad froze when he met my eyes. "Aren't you and you're brother supposed to be gone for the weekend?" He asked nervously.

"Who's she?" I asked looking at the young woman on my mothers sofa, she looked at me smirking.

"You're new mother Alison"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2016 ⏰

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