Pistol whipped.

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^^^is that moving?^^^

I was curled up in a chair in front of a desktop computer as I scrolled mindlessly thru my Facebook page, "Bustle", an all gossip website had posted an article related to Marilyn Manson. I clicked on it. "Have you seen what the tabloids are saying?" I said over my shoulder while Brian sat on the floor painting something not paying much attention to me.
"That's not a very flattering photo of me." I mumbled.

The article accused Marilyn Manson of beating his girlfriend, and there sat a photo of me and him at the mall, with a bright red welt on peeking out of my tank top and what looked like a rather large bruise on my neck.
"Shock rocker Marilyn Manson was seen with his long term girlfriend who's name has been kept secret from the public."
I laughed at that part. I had been especially careful about people not knowing who I was. I wasn't a rockstar, and I didn't want to be. Hell, I didn't even want to get involved with Brian in the first place, we actually hated each other when we first met, but fate is a fickle thing.
"The mysterious girl was seen with bruises and a busted lip on more than one occasion. Manson refuses to comment on the accusations of abuse. Marilyn Manson is no stranger to controversy, earlier this year it was reported that he still was an active member in..."
I scrolled down the web page. Another picture that had apparently been taken earlier in the year showed me with marks on my wrist and a busted lip. Oh, The things you find out about yourself on the internet. The author clearly had no idea what he was talking about, The marks on my wrist we're in fact caused by Brian as were the red marks and bruises, but I had earned those in extra-curricular activities the day before the picture was taken. I had never been the one to cover up the marks on my body. The busted lip however, was done on my own accord, tripping over Brians cat, lilly, and landing on my own face. Brian had gotten quite the chuckle out of helping clean my lip up that day. I presumed it was a slow news day, considering Brian and I had been burrowed up in his house for at least a week with the weather being as awful as it has been. Ordering take out food or attempting to cook edible food when we felt like setting the smoke detector off. This author could have been more wrong in his accusations against Brian.
"That is an awful picture of us." Brian whispered in my ear, causing me to jump slightly. I hadn't heard him get up, he was good about that, I even sworn sometimes that he was something supernatural. His stealthy ways of moving around his home, making virtually no noise.
"Watch it." I said slyly. My eyes watched him as he cleaned his paints off the ground so lily wouldn't walk in them. I looked over at the clock. It was a little past 3 and I needed to get to the post office before they closed. I stood up and got ready to head out in the gloomy weather. I found Brian in the living room reading a book, I bent over the couch. "I'm headed out. "
He nodded and went back to his reading. I took one last look at the mirror by the door. Not far behind me stood Brian, damn him and his stealthy ways. His hands fumbling with his belt. I smirked at him thru the mirror, he returned it by removing his belt and smacking my ass it with it. The end of the belt hitting the small of my back.
"Ahh!" It stung but not enough to cause any real damage. I giggled.
"See you later." I winked at him as I walked out the door rubbing my back. I could feel the heat of a welt rising thru the thin fabric of my tank top. "THIS IS WHY THEY THINK I'M BEING ABUSED!" I yelled thru the door.
I did my errands; mostly uneventful.
My phone rang.
"Hey Pistol!" My friend said thru the phone.
Pistol. Like the female part of a flower. Much like the flowers tattooed on my body.
My nickname which had kept my real identity a secret from the tabloids, and in turn kept me a secret from everyone else.
"Hey Babe."

We chatted for a moment. I made my back to Brians.


Later in the day, Brian and I were watching some horror movie and the dog had just died.
I wiped a tear from the corner of my eye.
"You okay?" He questioned.
He grabbed my chin forcing me to look up at him and his gorgeous eyes. A smile creeped on his face. "You look so pretty when you cry."
He winked, he was wearing his claw ring on his thumb. He traced it along my neck only slightly digging it across my skin. The heat from the recent scratch caused me to shiver in his arms.
"Mmmm." I nestled into the crook of his neck. He knew exactly how to get me worked up.
I took the moment to nibble on the sensitive part of his neck. I could hear him trying to hold back a moan.

"Are you gonna take me to bed any time soon?" I whispered in his ear. I kissed his neck again, his hands snaked around my waist. We rolled off the couch with a not so graceful "umpff!" The breath knocked out of me. I gasped for air. Brian pinned my arms above my head.
"My beautiful Pistol." He whispered in my ear.
I wrapped my legs around him.
"How may I abuse you this evening?"
His hand was working on getting his belt off.
I smiled and licked my lips.
"Surprise me."

A/n: Hope y'all enjoy! If anyone wants to request/suggest a song. Comment or DM. Let me know what you think. <3

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