Baby Blues

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A/N 1: So I know I promised an elevator fic but I ran out of inspiration, but I'll definitely do it. Till then I encourage all of you to try your hand at it *wink*

A/N 2: I got a quite a bit of love for Serendipity (here and on LJ) so I'm hoping you guys like this one too. Really REALLYY hoping, so do let me know! And prompts, send me prompts if you want to see something written.

A/N 3: I talk too much! Oh, and un-betaed, so all mistakes are mine.

Baby Blues

"You are the closest I will ever come to magic."
― Suzanne Finnamore, The Zygote Chronicles

May 8th, 1991

Master Bedroom

Los Angeles, CA

7:06 a.m

Meryl huffs as she hauls herself from their king size bed and waddles across the carpeted floor to make her way to the bathroom. The little one seems to have already taken up ballerina lessons and is wreaking havoc on her bladder again, as usual. She finishes her business in the bathroom, brushes her teeth but decides to crawl back into bed. However her little girl already seems to be up and about as she kicks her mother's tummy firmly.

"Calm down in there, munchkin." Meryl coos as she rubs her hand over her distended abdomen. At eight months pregnant she looks ready enough to pop out the baby this instant.

As she manages to lower herself onto the bed, beside her Don stirs.

"Must be nice! Getting a full night's rest while your little girl keeps me awake all night!" Meryl says as she angles as best as she can and lays her head on her husband's chest.

Don smiles sleepily and wraps an arm around his wife's body and uses the other one to muss her short silky hair.

"Well, I can't help it if this one in there likes Daddy a little better." He says as he plants a kiss on Meryl's forehead and massages the bulge.

"How are you feeling?" Don asks in a concerned voice and immediately Meryl groans and gets up from bed "Gosh, that's all anyone asks me these days. I'm pregnant for Chrissake, what do you want me to say?"

"I just—"

"Golly, it's already seven. I need to wake the kids up for school!" she exclaims and begins to make her way out of the room when Don interrupts.

"Sweetheart their summer vacations have started, remember?" He says as he removes the duvet from over his body and makes his way towards his wife. All this forgetting business is happening too often now.

For a moment Meryl looks utterly lost and then something registers, "Oh, oh" she combs a hand through her hair "right!" and looks away from Don who's staring directly at her.

"Right indeed sweetheart." Don shivers as the temperature of the room hits him. It feels like an ice chamber with the air conditioning set to the lowest temperature for his wife's comfort but he doesn't complain because God knows his wife needs it.

"I'm fine Don. Don't start!"

"I know but please just take it easy, okay? Barbara said you should stay off your feet as much as you can."

"Barbara is always saying something, doesn't mean I have to follow everything she says." Meryl says and walks towards her closet as she selects something to change into from her nightgown.

"Meryl, it's just, you really scared me the last time around." Don's memory from four nights back is still vivid in his mind—he remembers walking into their bedroom to find his wife unconscious on the floor, the frantic trip to the hospital and being told that his wife was showing early signs of what might lead to pre-eclempsia.

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