006 » gluttony

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❝ — GLUTTONY is the overindulgence and of anything, mostly to the point of waste. The word derives from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow. Gluttony can be interpreted as ; essentially placing concern with one's own interests above the well-being or interests of others.

4 kilograms. That was how much Hoseok had gained within the last month. 4 whopping kilograms.

His doctor told him to slow down his intake of food, but eating was a particularly large aspect of Hoseok's life and always had been. It wasn't like he could just stop now.

When he was little his mother used to force him to eat all of the food on his plate, even when he couldn't. "Eat all your food!" and "Put some meat on your bones!" she'd laugh while scolding him. The boy wasn't allowed to leave the table until his plate was cleared. He loved his mother, but he hated her ways. He hated it even more when he actually started to gain weight like she wanted, but in all the wrong places.

When he was in primary school, girls crushed on him and adored his sunny personality. But when he began to gain weight, Hoseok's days had become foggy and gray. With each passing year it seemed his weight seemed to climb to new levels, while his popularity plummeted.

81 kilogams.

104 kilograms.

137 kilograms.

People stopped addressing him by his name, instead calling him "Big Boy" and leaving packs of ramen in his locker. Sometimes he would even find weight loss tablets, laxatives, or fake gym membership cards there too.

Hoseok didn't understand why; He was still the same person as before, just with a little extra skin.... And maybe a lot more insecurities, but nothing else about him changed. Just his weight. So he didn't understand it.

As much as he would have liked to say he wasn't his mother's child, and that he wasn't cut from the same cloth, the product was just the same. He was the living and breathing fabrics of every dinner table-demand his mother had ever given him all sown into one giant quilt. And although her mandates of eating were the very chaotic goods that destroyed him, he imposed them onto others too.

Now a registered nurse and back to a somewhat healthy weight of 73 kilograms. Every day he came to work and around 2pm, was designated the task of feeding and medicating patients around the East Wing.

The job was simple and routine, but equally complex. It was important for him to know each of his patients inside and out, like the back of his hand, because each responded differently to his presence.

"Ah, Hoseok, my boy. How are you doing on this sunny day?"

"Halpoji, it's cloudy out though."

"Oh," The old man gazed out the windows at the white skies and laughed heartily, "Oh, I guess it is!"

In the dementia ward, Kim Beomsoo had Alzheimer's and always refused to eat unless Hoseok told him that he was one of his grandsons. Beomsoo'd never had grandchildren, but he always wanted them. So he would tell his Hoseok stories of his wife, or at least fragments that he could recall of her while he fed him. The medications that he hated had to be mixed into the food without his knowledge. Hoseok didn't have the heart to tell him that he had told the same three stories all the time, but loved the twinkle in his eye as he spoke about her.

"Hi, nurse Hobi!"

"Hey, kiddo, I—"

"Did you bring the goods?"

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