Research Paper

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Topic OutlineCorazon Aquino is the most competent president of the Philippines

Thesis Statement: Corazon "Cory" Aquino is the most competent president of the Philippines because of her contributions and dedication to her commitment in serving the Filipino people.

I. IntroductionII. Explanations why Corazon Aquino is the most competent presidentA. Cory's contribution to the country1. Positive economic growth2. 1986 Constitutional Commission3. Republic Act No. 6657B. Improvements of the country during Cory's term1. The economy raised from more than its predecessor2. Rights was promoted3. Distributions of landsIII. Influence of Cory to the Filipinos1. Good leadership2. Cory's braveryIV. Proof why Cory is the most competent president1. Cory's contributions to the country2. Cory's LegacyV. ConclusionIntroductionCorazon Cojuangco Aquino, universally and affectionally known as "Cory" grew up in afamous and one of the richest clans in the Philippines, the powerful Cojuangcos of Tarlac Province. She was born on January 25, 1933. Her father is Jose Cojuanco, Sr, who was a congressional representative and her mother is Demetria Sumulong, a pharmacist. Her maiden name indicates Chinese mestizo ancestry; her Chinese great-grandfather's name could have been Romanized to Ko Hwan-ko, but, following the normal practice of assimilationist Catholic Chinese-Filipinos, all the Chinese names were collapsed into one, and a Spanish first name was taken. Aquino neither sought power nor expected it would come to her.Her life was that of a privileged, well-educated girl who finished grade school and graduated Valedictorian in Saint Scholastica College in Manila. She continues her studies in United States to the Ravenhill Academy in Philidelphia, the Notre Dame Convent School in New York, and Mount St. Vincent College, also in New York. She studied mathematics and graduated with a degree in French in 1953, then returned to the Philippines to study law, but soon married the restless, rich scion of another prominent Tarlac family, Benigno ("Ninoy") Aquino, Jr.The widow of Ninoy surrounded herself with seasoned advisers who had the goals and aspirations for the Filipino people. Many were their friends who had suffered with them through Ninoy's crusade against the Marcoses. Even Cory seemed almost quiet and gentle, she had a resolve of steel that saw her through crisis after crises-mostly coups from the armed forces. She was cool and collected under pressure. Because of this, some people thought her either too aloof or dry-unlike the articulate, hand-pumping and bear-hugging politician that her husband was.Now we cannot imagine anyone better to have initially led us away from the two decades of social and political oppression. We precisely needed someone to come in with minimal political savvy so we could start with a fresh slate. The country she inherited was like a dying, cancer-ridden patient who needed an immediate change of treatment plan, medications and even physicians. The purpose of this paper is threefold. First, it intends to prove that Corazon Aquino is the most competent president of the Philippines based from the research and analysis made by the researchers. Second, it presents Cory's contributions towards the progress and development of the country. And lastly, it showcases how Cory influenced the Filipinos in their way of living.Body of the Paper The years after the people-power revolution were difficult. Cory Aquino cobbled together a political coalition that proved fractious and soon fell apart. In subsequent years, until she handed power to her chosen successor Fidel Ramos in 1992, there were six by rebel military factions to oust her. On the over-all, the Aquino administration made important gains in the aspects of bringing back democracy, restoring investor confidence in the economy and enacting legal and constitutional reforms. Despite these achievements, Cory's presidency faced several threats from both right-wing military elements and extreme left-wing communist rebels. Further, Cory's administration dealt with numerous problems such as major natural disasters which struck the country and severe power shortages which took a toll on doing business in the Philippines. It was also during Aquino's tenure that the United States finally ended military bases and presence in the country.In the perspective of Economy, Cory moved quickly to tackle the issue of the US $26 billion foreign debt by Cory's predecessor. Instead of rejecting it, Aquino chose to honor all the debts that occurred under different administrations. Since 1986 the Aquino administration has paid off $4 billion that attract the attention of future market. Further, the Aquino administration bring back fiscal discipline as it aimed to trim down the government budget deficit that ballooned during Marcos term through privatization of bad government assets and deregulation of many vital industries. It was also during Aquino's term that vital economic laws such as the Built-Operate-Transfer Law, Foreign Investments Act, Consumer Protection and Welfare Act were enacted. The economy posted a positive growth of 3.4% during Cory's first year in office. But in the aftermath of the 1989 coup attempt, the Philippine economy remained stagnant. In Aquino's final year inflation was raging at 17%, and unemployment was slightly over 10%, higher than the Marcos years. Overall, the economy under Aquino had an average growth of 3.8% from 1986 to 1992.The 1986 Constitutional Commission (Con-Com) that was led by retired activist Supreme Court Associate Justice Cecilia Muños-Palma, it puts strong emphasis on Civil Liberties, Human Rights and Social Justice and it was overwhelmingly approved by the Filipino people. President Aquino issued Proclamation No. 3, which established revolutionary government. Aquino abolished the 1973 Constitution that was in force during the martial law, and instead promulgated the provisional 1986 Freedom Constitution, pending the ratification of a new Constitution by the people. This allowed Aquino to exercise the new Philippine Constitution and the establishment of the new Congress in 1987. The Republic Act No. 6657 also known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), the law paved the way for the redistribution of agricultural land to tenant farmers from landowners, who were paid in exchange by the government through just compensation but were also allowed to retain not more than five hectares of land. On the other hand the lands that the farmer can be used are only limited. Despite the implementation of CARP, Aquino was not spared from the controversies that eventually centered on Hacienda Luisita, a 6,453 hectares estate located in the province of Tarlac, which she inherited from the family. She was scored for allowing Hacienda Luisita, which was owned by the Tarlac Development Corporation to opt for stock distribution instead of land redistribution.Aquino's first footstep in the United States as a President was on September 1986, Aquino made her first speech in a joint session of the United States Congress with U.S lawmakers wearing yellow ribbons as a symbol of support. On June 15, 1991, Mount Pinatubo, just 20 miles (32 km) from Subic Bay, exploded with a force 8 times greater than the Mount St. Helens eruption. Day turned to night as volcanic ash blotted out the sun. Volcanic earthquakes and heavy rain, lightning and thunder from Typhoon Yunya passing over northern Luzon made Black Saturday a 36-hour nightmare. By the morning of June 16, when the volcano's fury subsided, Subic Bay, once one of the most beautiful and well maintained Navy bases in the Pacific, lay buried under a foot of rain-soaked, sandy ash. That night, the threat of continued eruptions combined with the lack of water and electricity led to the decision to evacuate all dependents.Many months before the expiration of the Military Bases Agreement of 1947 intense negotiations between the governments of the United States and the Philippines began. These negotiations resulted in the Treaty of Friendship. Peace and Corporation between the United States and the Republic of the Philippines. This would have extended the lease of the American bases in the Philippines. On September 13, 1991 the Philippine Senate rejected the ratification of this treaty, citing a number of reasons for the rejection. This was a devastating blow to the Aquino administration, who were strongly pro-treaty and even called for referendum by the Filipino people; a move that it was declared unconstitutional. In December 1991, the two governments were again in talks to extend the withdrawal of American forces for three years but this broke down as the United States refused to detail their withdrawal plans or to plans or to answer if nuclear weapons were kept on base. Finally on December 27, President Corazon Aquino, who had previously fought to delay the U.S pullout to cushion the country's battered economy, issued a formal notice for the U.S to leave by the end of 1992. Naval Station Subic Bay was the U.S's largest overseas defense facility after Clark Air Base was closed.During 1992, tons of materials including dry-docks and equipment were shipped to various Naval Stations. Ship-repair and maintenance yards as well as supply depots were relocated to other Asian countries including Japan and Singapore. Finally, on November 24, 1992, the American Flag was lowered in Subic for the last time and the last 1,416 Sailors and Marines at Subic Bay Naval Base left by plane from NAS Cubi Point and by the USS Belieau Wood. The withdrawal marked the first time since the 6th Century that no foreign military forces were present in the Philippines.When President Corazon Aquino visited Japan in November 1986, she met Emperor Hirohito, who offered his apologies for the wrongs committed by Japan during World War II. New foreign aid agreements also were concluded during this visit. Aquino returned to Japan in 1989 for Hirohito's funeral and in 1990 for the enthronement of Emperor Akihito. A series of talks of four Prime Ministers from Yasuhiro Nakasone from 1986 to 1987, to Kiichi Miyazawa from 1991 to 1992, the Japanese investors and tourists, rehabilitation and construction of schools, hospitals and roads, and guarantees justice for Filipino Comfort women after World War II. Also in an official state visit, she and Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita received condolences in the wake of MV Doña Paz tragedy.When it comes on Soviet Relations, Aquino meets Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in another state visit in Moscow for the first time in 1987. Aquino and Gorbachev agreed that the Philippines and the Philippines and the Soviet Union established the two-nation economic ties and to promote their reforms based on the perestroika and glasnost systems paved their way to democracy, it include a Philippine-Soviet friendship. She returned between 1991 and 1992 for the state visit with the President Boris Yeltsin since Russia was independent on December 25, 1991. In Europe, the President wen to the United Kingdom and meets British Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major from 1987 to 1992, to discuss important talks on economy and social welfare as the Philippines provide economic and financial assistance programs, and strong commercial ties between the two countries. Also in London she visited Queen Elizabeth II and received a warm welcome for the first time. She went also in other European nations including with the President Francois Mitterrand of France, President Francesco Cossiga of Italy, Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany and Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez Marquez of Spain from 1986 to 1991. Aquino meets King Juan Carlos I of Spain for special visit in which country traced back to historical timeline during the Spanish rule for over three centuries and how the country received freedom after its independence and the revolution made the President and the Spanish King a two-nation friendship.Aquino made her first state visits in Southeast Asia involving ASEAN and UN RELATIONS, she went to Singapore, then to Indonesia in August 1986, for separate meetings with Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Indonesian President Suharto in order to provide trade and economic ties between the three countries. Aquino also went to Malaysia in November 1987, to discuss territorial disputes in Sabah with Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, and in Thailand and Brunei, for separate meetings with Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanoda in April !988, and Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah in August 10988. Aquino and the member leaders of Association of Southeast Asian Nations made meetings in various ASEAN summits from 1986-92. Aquino went to the United Nations assembly in New York in July 1988, made a historic speech during the 45th General Assembly. In her historic speech, Aquino promised to the International Community in expressing democratic freedoms in countries since the Philippines received freedom after the revolution in 1986, and to provide a resolution in the protection for migrant workers and their families. During the July 1988 visit, Aquino met Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar for a special meeting to discuss anti-poverty and anti-insurgency measures in the Philippines.Aside from laws and other governmental issues, Aquino also brightened the aspect of Filipino culture in terms of music. Aquino implemented the Executive Order No. 255 that was issued on July 25, 1987 relating to Original Pilipino Music which broadcast hourly OPM songs to all FM radio stations in Metro Manila and in the provinces regularly to shape up Filipino culture. Stations like DZOO-FM, DWLS, etc., are adopted hourly OPMs effectively after the implementation. Under Aquino's six-year term the Department of Tourism launched a program called The Philippines: Fiesta Islands of Asia in 1989, offers tourist visit in the country to show their natural wonders, to protect their Indigenous peoples, to preserve heritage sites and to contribute historical importance.ConclusionHence, Corazon Aquino is the most competent president of the Philippines because of her countless contribution inside and outside of the country and to the Filipino citizens. In this study, Aquino was not just the main instrument for the Philippine Revolution but also she showed the true essence of a true leader- spiritually, physically and emotionally. The triumph of the peaceful People Power Revolution and the ascension of Corazon Aquino into power signaled the end of authoritarian rule in the Philippines and the drawing of a new era for Filipinos. The relatively-peaceful manner by which Aquino came into power drew international acclaim and admiration not only for her but for the Filipino people as well. Having strong faith and trusting God in all aspect of life was just one of Aquino's characteristic. One of its examples was when her husband died and the citizens urge her to run for presidency even though she doesn't have the guts to face the difficulties waiting for her. A lot of people idolize Cory because of her bravery even if her term was over, she still helps the nation and one of it was the Benigno Aquino, Jr. Foundation that helps the young people to have a scholarship grants to help their education. Aquino never stops helping and serving the nation even she is already suffering with her illness. The true essence of a good leader is in Aquino's personality that's why Filipino people will not forget her and will always remember her legacy.

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