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3 Years Later - Abrielle

Whats more romantic then spending time with that special person in Paris. This romantic city had an unparalleled aura about it that words couldn't even describe. It was enthralling and captivating. It excludes the charm of romance like none. 

"Ready to go?" the voice of the guy I truly love questioned from behind.

I turn around and see Ace standing there adjusting the button of his sleeve in the sitting area of our flat.

"You're asking me when you're not even ready yourself," I chuckled, stepping in from the French styled balcony, going over to him and started on his tie. 

We were going on a date for the first time in Paris and sadly he wouldn't tell me where we were going since it was a surprise. After finishing with his tie, I wrapped my arms around his neck, looking into the same beautiful blue eyes for these last few years.

"Don't you look handsome as always?" I smiled up at him, as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I know," he said, in that arrogant tone he always used the first time I met him, "But today it's all about you. So, lets get going."

Cliche but I loved it, I thought with a big smile; blushing like I've always have around him. 

"You're not going to tell me?" I questioned, as we exited the lobby of the luxury apartments, the warm summer breeze coated my skin and it was absolutely the perfect weather for an evening.

"Nope," he answers with a smirk.

We weren't going by car since the place we were going wasn't that far. That's the only thing he told me, but this way the scenery around us were absolutely beautiful. We walked along the Jacques Rueff; the fountain was breathtaking. The water gleamed enchantingly as the small statue's spurted out water on each side of the pool into the middle.

It was busy at night time, but it made it more enjoyable. Many couples roamed around giving hugs and kisses, and I was glad I had Ace with me. I held onto his arm tighter resting my head against his shoulder as we walked peacefully.

We were here for fashion week and I was one of the models for Dolce & Gabbana. All these years I've kept up my fame and it's been constant traveling for me. So, when I got time off, I was happy to spend it with Ace on this vacation.

"Look," Ace pointed to something, and when I looked up, It was the Eiffel tower nearing as we walked. I've never got to see the Eiffel tower up close and since we were getting closer, the excitement built up inside me. 

We were now walking along the fields of green grass and many people sat enjoying the evening. When we got to the front of the Eiffel Tower, I had to fling my head back to look at the massive body of it.

We stopped in front of an elevator of the Eiffel Tower. I could tell it was a private lift since no one else was using it. 

"Close your eyes," Ace whispered to me, putting his hands on my bare shoulders and once I did, he started guiding me. 

The elevator lifted, until it stopped.

"Open your eyes," Ace told me, and once I did, the elevator doors opened and a small gasp escaped my lips, "Welcome to Le Jules Verne."

I was speechless, the restaurant took my breath away with its elegance and the view of Paris below. A host had come and led us to a window seat. Ace pulled out my chair and I sat down.

"What do you think?" Ace smiled, knowing my expression.

"It's amazing," I returned a smile, taking my eyes away from the beautiful lighted scene below, "But isn't this going to cost a lot?"

"Babe, you're really asking that?" Ace rose an eyebrow, rhetorically speaking.

"Then aren't you such a romantic?" I chuckled, and the french waiter had come by again.

"Que voulez-vous boire?" he looked between me and Ace to see who would answer.

The only French I know is 'Bonjour'.

Being the talented, and smart person Ace is he answered, "le vin blanc serait parfait."

"S'il vous plaît attendez une minute, monsieur," the waiter replied, with a small bow.

"You have to teach me French one day," I blinked a couple times amazed by their French dialogue. Ace just chuckled and the waiter came back with two glasses of white wine.

"Did you order for me too?" I questioned, propping an elbow up on the table.

"Yeah, I did actually," he smiled, "They have sea food too."

My favorite dishes would be anything with sea food, now I was thrilled to try their food. The waiter came back a fourth time rolling a silver cart with dishes on top. 

"Crevettes grillées Impériale," he smiled at me, setting down my dish that contained grilled prawns, which had a delicious mouth watering aroma, "Filet de bar," he nodded at Ace and left for us to enjoy our meals.

As always I was the first one to dig in while Ace watched with amusement. After taking a bite I couldn't help but moan at the flavors that swirled in side my mouth. Ace chuckles and takes a bite of what looked like fillet with vegetables and summer condiments.

"How is it?" Ace questioned, and I stabbed a prawn with my fork and dragged it up to his mouth, which he happily opened biting down on the food. He did the same with his, and my mouth was happier.

Taking a sip of the white wine, I look around to see pairs of eyes on us. Right, I forgot that we weren't alone. 

"Apparently, we're having a family reunion next week," Ace spoke, bringing up a conversation.

Family. They were all doing really good. Mrs. Daniels thought it would be good if my family moved into their house. It took a while for my parents to except but they eventually did. That way Jazzy and Giselle could be together all the time. I swear they are like two peas in a pod; best-est friends of all best friends.

"Family reunion, wouldn't that only include your family?" I questioned.

"Just because we're not married yet, it doesn't mean we're not family," Ace replied.

"I'm just kidding," I chuckled and finished my food and wine.

" You never cease to amaze me," Ace chuckled.

With that we had two more courses and finally dessert. Yes! Ice cream. I love Ice cream, my favorite frozen dessert in the world. I look down at the hazelnut ice cream with chocolate pralines, and notice some writing on it in a circle.

Turning the bowl around I read slowly. 





I shot my head up right away, and notice Ace kneeling on one knee on the ground with a velvet red box and revealing a ring. He began a beautiful speech of how much he loves me and threw in some humor to make me chuckle.

"Will you be my Mrs. Daniels?" he finally asked and joyful tears strolled down my cheeks as my hands covered my mouth. 

A waiter was taking a video of us, along with others in the restaurant.

Let's see; we've been together over three years, I love everything about Ace, and I'm getting proposed in Paris and at the Eiffel tower. Why the hell would I say no?

"YES!" I answered, launching myself at him, even though he was still kneeling down.

We stood up and he slipped the big diamond ring on me. Everyone started to clap and yell out congratulations. A few seconds later, I heard large booming sounds and saw beautiful fireworks through the windows.

I turn back to Ace and he nods reading my mind. This was the best day of my life. Ace led me to the top of the tower, where we enjoyed the fireworks. He really knew how to impress a woman. 

"I love you Elle," Ace, smiled down at me.

"I love you so much more," I smiled, and we kissed under the evening stars in Paris.

I will be Forever with Mr. Arrogant.

A Year With Mr. Arrogant (2011)Where stories live. Discover now