heat wave

16 2 0

Eve's POV:
i arrived at the mall waiting for my friend arianna "hey!" i heard my purpled hair friend "arianna, whats up?" "im good, lets go to the food court first" so we entered the mall, making our way to the food court, when all of a sudden a guy ran into me, we both just sat on the floor looking at each other, behind him two guards were running towards us "HEY GET HIM, HE STOLE A RING" yelled one of the guards, the boy then got up and ran towards the exit. i got up looking at the exit "you're blushing..." said arianna "wa-what!! no I'm not!! le-lets just go..." we were having so much fun until i got a text from my dad
- where the f*ck are you?!?!?! 😡😡
- what do you want!!
- get your lazy ass home NOW!!
"sorry ari, gotta go home" "i'll give you a ride" so arianna drove me to my house. "thanks" i walked inside, waiting inside wash an angry drugged out dad "where were you!!??!!??"
"school..." "then why did your principle call me saying you never showed up to any of your classes?? WHERE WERE YOU!!!" "the mall ok!!!" i shouted back at him "you need to go to school!!" "well you need to chill" "You are the reason I enjoy working late!" "working late? YOU DONT EVEN HAVE A JOB YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING SHIT!!" dad walked quickly into his room "i hate you!!!!" dad shouted through the room "its not my fault mom left you!!! you sold my sisters!!!" i started crying. Dad didn't say anything but i did hear him start to cry, dad didn't leave his room all day.

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