Part 1

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Your POV

So, I stumbled upon a butcher shop to try and steal some food but I ended up getting part of my tail chopped off just great .I head off into a forest to eat in peace but as soon as I lay down boom! Another demon comes up to me and I get up and start growling .I fall back down because of the immense pain coming from my tail.I whimper from the pain that's growing ever stronger . A young boy walks up to me and I assume he owns the demon hound .I become exhausted so I turn into my human form with my (h/c) hair and my (e/c) eyes becoming evident."My name is Ciel Phantomhive would like to work for me and my manor I will give you free meals and a home ",says the young boy."I guess you're the best option I got right now so yes",I reply.
"Oh so you can talk ",says Ciel ."Can you walk",he asks. I simply nod and get up on my feet .He motions for me to follow him but his demon hound jumps on me and starts licking and nuzzling me affectionately.Shoot I forgot it was mating season and I don't have a mate so he might try and mate with me not that I don't mind because he is super cute.Wait what am I thinking I don't even know his name?!"Pluto c'mon get off of her",Ciel says . So that's his name anyways I tell Ciel my name is (y/n). Once again he motions for me to follow him back to his manor I'm guessing since he is Ciel Phantomhive.
Once we get their Ciel tell his personal butler to bandage my wound so I transform so he could bandage it properly.Once he's done I tell him he doesn't have to tame me since I'm already tamed.I go to play with Pluto .We play with each other and give each other affectionate licks and hugs in our human form. Then the butler reappeared telling me I had to meet the other servants in the manor and he finally tells me his name which is Sebastian Michealis.Once we get there he tells me all their names which are Mey-Rin,Bardroy,Finny,and Tanaka.After that I go back to Pluto once he notices I'm back his eyes lighten up with excitement and it sorta turns me on ?Once again he pounces on me and starts kissing me! I automatically melt into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck.
That's a wrap wow that's the longest I've wrote before damn well if you want me to continue I have to get at least 10 votes bye!(This used to be the longest I've ever wrote)

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