Something about you

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I was sitting outside with a pint tub of bluebell ice cream listening to my ipod. Me and my friend Lizzie were texting about the new school year. Lizzie and I were, I guess you could say one of the smartest people at the school. Not saying that everyone else was dumb, it's just that no one at our no one honestly cared about grades they cared about you many talents. Anyways lizzie I was listening to Lil Wayne when I had got another text from her.

L!ZZ!3BOO: is it me or is any1 else psyched about this school year!!!!!!

TOR!THO: its just you no one else wants 2go back to school I like waking up to the sun, not to no freaking moon is you cray cray.

I started to eat some more ice cream when all off a sudden I smelt burnt rubber and gas fumes every where.

Tori: WTF man!

I looked all around to see where the smell was coming from until I saw this huge tour bus with black smoke coming from it. Then suddenly I saw four teenage boys coming from the tour bus. It was that stupid band crazy behavior or something like that. I thought they all needed a fresh cup of sit y'all asses down somewhere and shut up, but hey that's just me. One of them saw me and pointed in my direction. Well I guess its time to go home now isn't it. I walked away until I was at my house which wasn't that far away. I put my hand on the door knob and before I could even get a good grip on it I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

???: Dang lil ma where you going that fast?

Tori: hmm let's see, im standing right in front of my front door and walking swiftly away from four pretty annoying guys, does that give you any clues/

I turned around and saw all of them I didn't know there names but they looked......well decent I guess.

???:Look were not trying to start no trouble its just that our bus is busted and we were wondering could we stay here for a while.

Tori: why would I let total strangers in my house?

???:We don't have to be total strangers, im Roc, that's Princeton, that's Prodigy, and that's Ray ray.

Ray :Or ray2wice if your nasty.

Then ray ray winked at me.

Tori: Im Victoria but everyone calls me tori. Oh and um ray do you need a bottle of water.

Ray: not really why you ask?

Tori: cause you sound thirsty as hell.

Everyone started laughing and ray gave me a sinister look. I just shrugged it off and opened the door. I put my ice cream on the kitchen counter and turned around to the boys whose mouths where wide open.

Tori: Guys when your done looking like idiots i'll be in my room stay out of the fridge i'll be back down in a minute . The remote should be on the couch kay?

Okay it looks like they were half listening I clapped my hands and they were shook themselves back to life.

Prince: im sorry what?

Tori: don't go in the fridge and the remote is on the couch i'll be upstairs so if you need me just yell.

I went up stairs to my big brothers room and plooped on his bed. I didn't bother to look but I knew he was playing call of duty.

???: You know people knock in this generation tori

Tori:Shut up diggy I need you to help me keep those weird boys entertained while I take a shower. I smell like smoke and I aint having that.

Diggy: how old are they?

Tori: your age

Diggy: you just picked them up off the street.

Tori: yeah their bus broke down and I was somewhat being nice now will you please agree?

Diggy: or what

Tori: Diggy never play the or what game with me because I win hands down now I need to shower and you need to go down there and have fun with them. Love you bro.

Diggy: love you too psycho

And with that I was walking into my room.

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