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» "i come in your dreams, make you cum in yo' jeans..."

Miami, FL;

After dinner, the two went to the beach and talked. It wasn't too crowded and it was very peaceful.

They held hands as they walked along the shore with ocean water hitting their feet every couple of seconds.

"When I get this music thing rolling, I'll be able to give you anything you want, baby." Bryson proclaimed, picking up a small seashell.

"What I want, you can give to me now, Bryson." Paris looked at him and then off to the dark sky.

"What's that?" He asked, shifting the shell around in his fingers.

"For you to make love to me tonight, that's what I want."

Bryson stopped walking and dropped the seashell. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Right now?"

"Well, I mean, of course not here on the beach..." She said pushing hair behind her ear.

"Shit, I'm wit' it if you are."


"Gentle, ok? It still kinda hurts." Paris warned as Bryson began feeling up her thigh and taking her shorts off.

"I got you, baby. Don't worry." Bryson smirked, pecking her lips and then her neck and collar bone.

"I'm never worried when I'm with you, Bryson." She smiled, running her hand through his hair.

"As long as you know..." He bit his lip, smiling at her and kissing her lips again.

He pulled her shorts completely off and she began to unbutton each bottom of his shirt.

He helped her take his shirt off and then took hers off also, leaving her in nothing but bra and panties. He climbed further onto the bed, lifting her leg to his side bending over her.

"Come here." She giggled, pulling his body closer to hers and kissing his lips slowly.


Paris curled up next to Bryson's pillow as he pushed the hotel room curtains open, exposing the morning sun.

She blinked a couple times before fully opening her eyes. Bryson walked over to the bed and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning, beautiful." He smiled.

She sat up and stretched, then wrapped her arms around his neck, "Good morning, baby."

"Let's go get breakfast." He suggested, pushing her bang from in front of her face.

"I'm so tired, I don't think I can even move." She pouted, poking out her lip. He shook his head and sighed.

"You are something else, girl." He pulled her to the edge of the bed and them lifted her up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" She asked giving him a strange look.

"Getting you ready so we can go get breakfast." He laughed and walked into the bathroom.


Happy New Year!!!
Last update of 2015.

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