Chapter Fourteen

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I do hope that this is the right house... Once more, I check the post-it note that Taylor had scribbled her address on for confirmation.

Quickly, I march up to the front door of the quaint little house hidden in leaves and press the doorbell before my mind decided to head for the hills and not look back. Rocking back and forth on my heels, I play with the bag strap as I wait.

My head snaps up as the door cracks open. Andrew stands before me in an old t-shirt and loose jeans, his earphones in his ears. By the way that his green eyes widened, I could tell that Taylor had not told him about my visit today – perhaps she has forgotten.

"My mother's in the kitchen," He says tilting his head to indicate where I should go.

I step in and he shuts the door before heading back to the living room as I take a left to the kitchen. Taylor sits at the table, pushing her hair back with her eyes shut as she thinks.

Silently, I put my bag down and take a seat, pulling out my textbook and pencil case. She opens her eyes, giving me a tired smile.

"Hello, River."

"We don't have to have a class today if you don't want to, Professor Killian," I say, resting on my elbows.

Taylor sighs rubbing her face to try and wake herself up. The grey streaks in her hair are much more prominent in the sunlight.

"It's okay, we'll just work for two hours today."

I nod and pull open the textbook. Taylor hands me the test from yesterday and I attempt the first question.

"Is this it?" I ask when I finish the last step, erasing the stray pencil marks.

Taylor reads through my work, using a pencil to circle and edit the answers. Silently I wait for her verdict.

"It's an improvement, River. You have to be more specific when labelling your workings – 'total' can mean anything in this context."

"I see." Reaching over, I take back the paper, making the necessary changes to my work.

As I write on the empty spaces of the page in green, Andrew drops his stack of books and slumps down into the seat opposite me. I look to Taylor for an answer.

"He didn't do very well for the test since he had slept so late and neglected his studies this term. I felt a catch-up session is in order for him. I hope you don't mind."

I shake my head. "It's no problem," I say. As long as he stays out of my way.

I pretend not to notice as Taylor slaps Andrew's hands away as he reaches up to put on his earphones. He kicks me as he stretches out his legs but I cover up my gasp with a cough hoping that he decides that what he hit is just one of the table' legs.

Throughout the session, Andrew does not ask a single question, getting everything right without breaking a sweat. When he is done, he simply throws the stack of paper at Taylor and leaves without pushing in his chair.

Taylor groans. "I wonder where he gets that attitude from."

"Maybe he's mad at something. I hope you don't mind, but does your husband have anything to do with this?" I give Professor Killian a moment before saying, "You don't have to force yourself to tell me."

"Andrew's father is a traveller, his job takes him all over the world. He's his brother's right-hand man and is responsible to make sure that all the factories are working the way they should be."

"So Andrew doesn't see very much of him, huh?" I shut my textbook.

Taylor shakes her head. "There are riots in some of the overseas branches and my husband is risking his life everyday crossing between both sides. I wonder how long to would be before he gets hurt in the crossfire."

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