10. Lingering Past

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Rina POV
(Next day ~ at playground)

After lunch, I take Rizumu over to the playground to let her meet up and play with some classmates from her preschool. A small smile forms on my face seeing how happy Rizumu is. I'm glad she's enjoying herself with her new friends.

I then glance over to Ayumi and the smile I had quickly becomes a displeased frown.

"Why are you here?" I ask, not bothering to hide how annoyed I've been ever since she came to visit. "If you were just going to tag along to stare at your cell phone and text, then you should have just stayed at home."

Ayumi turns off her cellphone and smiles. "Don't say that. What's wrong with tagging along with my old best friend?"

"We were never friends. At most, you were just someone who knew how to warp me into doing shady things for you," I state and look over to the kids at the playground. "I haven't seen you for three years but you haven't changed at all."

"I mean I've gotten taller than you," Ayumi giggles and I roll my eyes.

"You don't have to be so fake. No one is looking," I bluntly tell her.

Ayumi glances over to Rizumu who's distracted by her friends in the playground. "I see that you haven't changed either when it comes to your attitude towards me," Ayumi sighs.

"Why should it? After everything you did in the past to me, I have no reason to not resent you," I point out and Ayumi laughs.

"I guess that's true," Ayumi says and looks my way. "The past was a dark time for you wasn't it? And yet seeing you now, it makes me wonder if I'm talking to the same person. Just what caused you to change so much?" She questions with a scheming smile as she tries to read my thoughts and I click my tongue.

I hate it.

Whenever I am reminded of the past, I always think about how much I changed since back then.

The girl who was known by many as someone that can't be reasoned with and can speak only through her fists.

At that time, I closed my heart and didn't let anyone get near me. I was just a tool. Someone that would be used and toss away when unneeded.

I didn't care what happened to me and I always believed that I didn't deserve to be happy after doing the things that I've done.

For me, happiness seemed so out of reach and yet my past self would have never imagined being where I am today.

(5 years ago ~ At the back of the Nagamushi Junior High Building)

"Stop... please.... Haven't you done enough. Please... have mercy—-"

"Sorry," I apologize without any remorse and I knock the daylights out the gang leader of a nearby middle school.

I heartlessly stare at the fallen gang members that tried to start a fight with me. It's irritating that I can't even walk the streets without being called out.


I receive a text message from Ayumi.

<Come back to usual meeting spot now>

I look back one more time and leave the dirty place.

With my hood up to hide my face from the people around me, I walk over to the usual spot to meet up with Ayumi.

"What the hell?! Why does this have to happen to me?!" I hear a familiar voice angrily shout.

I check the place and find Ayumi violently kicking a trash can as she vents out her frustration.

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