Waking Up

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Harry awoke, rolling over, to snuggle in the ridiculously soft blonde hair of his boyfriend.
"How is your hair so soft?" Harry wondered aloud, "it's like it's made of bunnies." "Is your hair made of bunnies, Draco?" He muttered, voicing his thoughts.
"Shut up," Draco grumbled groggily.
"I hate you," Harry murmured as he pressed his lips softly and sleepily against his boyfriends.
"I hate you too," Draco replied now grinning. They had forgotten what 'hate you' meant when it came to each other.


"Hey! D'you know what we're doing today!" Exclaimed Harry in an unnaturally bright voice, for this early in the morning, as though he had just remembered something fantastic.
"What?" Draco queried cautiously knowing full well that his boyfriends current tone meant it was probably going to be something excruciatingly painfully embarrassing for him and it was also probably going to be done on camera. They were youtubers after all.
"We're filming a collab," Harry continued brightly.
"Oo-kay...?" Draco said wondering what Harry was up to. They sometimes thought about how funny it was that they had been dating for two years and yet they still enjoyed tormenting each other, albeit in a more fun playful way.
"Well, you don't need to sound so glum about it," said Harry sounding almost offended. Draco just laughed, though if he had only known what was in store for him he might not have.

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