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The rest of the day went by as normal; they accomplished almost nothing productive because they spent more time arguing over which of them should do something than actually doing anything. They went through the day randomly exchanging 'I hate you's and the occasional 'I love you's.
Until, Draco finally gave in, buckling under his own curiosity. "What about the collab you said we were doing?"
"It's a surprise," Harry responded elusively.
"I hate you."
"I hate you more."
"I hate you the most."
"You win this time Malfoy."


The sun was setting now and Malfoy was getting increasingly annoyed.
"Potter, what kind of collab video requires darkness?!" "Oh... wait, I know what your doing, your subscribers want us to play one of those nasty horror games. Don't they...?"
"Uhhhh," Harry tried. "...yea, they want us to play Outlast." Harry gave in.
"Forget it, Potter. I am not playing anything like that again, not after what happened with Slender."
"Oh, come on..." Harry pleaded with his boyfriend
"I have better things to be doing," Draco smirked.
"I'll make it worth your while," said Harry, now grinning back at Malfoy.
It was then that Malfoy had two thoughts. The first being:
What exactly does 'make it worth your while' entail.
And the second being:
God, I want to wipe that shit-eating grin off Potter's face.

So that is what he did. Harry grunted in shocked surprise when Draco crashed their lips together and wrapped his hands around Harry, the fingers of his right hand clenching his boyfriends messy jet black hair.
"Do you think you can win every argument with a kiss, Malfoy?"
"Do you think you can sway every argument in your favour with the promise of sex, Potter?"
Harry hummed a non-committal noise into the kiss, "maybe...?"


"Uhh," Malfoy groaned. "I can't believe I let you talk me into this, Potter."
"Shut up, Malfoy."
"I hate you."
"I hate you too."
"Why are we even still together?"
"Yea, well. I guess I should just start telling people: this is Draco Malfoy my ex-boyfriend"
"Shut up, Potter." Suddenly Malfoy yelled out, "OHMIGODOHMIGODOHMYGOD!!!!!!! Harry do something!"
"It's okay Dray, just press square," said Harry chuckling.
"I am pressing square!" Draco screamed, "why am I even playing this stupid game?"
"Cuz I asked you to and you love me...?" Harry offered in a falsely helpful voice, leaning over to kiss his boyfriend.
"I hate you!" Draco yelled, swatting Harry away before shrieking; " oh my god, what was that noise? FUCK IT'S THE MONSTER!!!"
"Draco, it's not there-"
"YES IT IS, IT'S JUST BLENDING IN!" Screamed Draco throwing the controller at Harry who just laughed.
"Draco, you can't just give me the controller every time you get scared. Remember, we agreed, you have a playthrough until you die then I have a playthrough until I die."
"Fine." Draco grumbled.

10 second later

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" Draco was screaming at the screen again, but this time with good reason Harry noticed, as the ominous figure they had seen earlier grabbed Draco's avatar and started pummeling it to death. The murderers misshapen scarred features occupied the whole screen just before the death screen came up. "Holy fuck," muttered Draco as he crawled closer to Harry on the sofa and started to snuggle with him, passing him the controller.
"All right, my go now," Harry sighed.
"Wait, you actually want to play this game!" Draco looked at him as though Harry was insane. Harry just laughed.
"Potter, I fail to understand you sometimes," said Draco now curled up in Harry's lap, "most of the time I fail to understand you, actually."
"Shut up," Harry murmured halfheartedly.


The title screen of the game illuminated the room and Draco edged closer to his boyfriend.
"You're such a wuss," said Harry.
"Shut up, Potter, and go kill some scary monsters."
"Okay, I'll save you from the monster Malfoy," Harry grinned.
"Harry," said Draco pouring every ounce of sincerity into his voice, "I hate you."
"You love me really," Harry chuckled.
"Hmmm," Draco hummed, "you're an idiot." Harry looked like he was about to say something before Draco continued; "but you're my idiot."
They glanced back to the screen to see a warning for extreme gore, violence and an explicit rape scene and then the reassuring message of:

You are a journalist investigating the asylum.
You are not a fighter.
Your only options are to Run, Hide or Die.
Do not attempt to engage enemies in combat.
Record Everything.

"Right... well, this is going to be fun."
"Lets go kill some baddies, Potter."


It took Harry about 5 minutes to get to where Draco had been in the game, something which had taken Malfoy himself 15 minutes.
"Stop it Potter, your making me look bad."
"That's because you are bad Malfoy."
"Shut up Potter"


The lets-play lasted about 20 more minutes Harry's favourite parts being the three times that Draco screamed like a little girl because of jumpscares.
The first time was when Harry had been sliding through a gap between two crates and scar-face (as they had taken to calling the mysterious murderer) had grabbed Harry and thrown him through a window.
The second time had been when Harry had walked past a dead body in a wheel chair which had suddenly leapt out and attempted to strangle him.
And the third time being Harry's death. Harry had completed quite a few of the objectives by this point, he had stolen a security card from one of the corpses and found the security guard booth in which there were several security cameras with which he could see what was going on in different parts of the asylum. But as Harry watched the basement security camera he saw the creepy priest dude that also appeared to have taken up residence in the asylum look up at the camera as if he knew Harry was watching, smile and slowly shake his head before pulling the lever on the power generator. The lights went out and they were stuck in complete pitch black darkness for a few moments before the back-up generator kicked in and they were bathed in flickering eerie green light. Real-life Harry groaned, "every time, in every horror game," he said. Then turning to Malfoy, "creepy back-up lighting means there's about to be a super-scary jumpscare."
"Shit," muttered Draco, "like we needed another one of those."
"Hmmm," Harry mumbled before he looked back at the screen to see that scar-face was trundling along the corridor towards the security booth where Harry was hiding. Some new text appeared on the screen:

Hide in the locker.
Do not try to fight.

"Fuck!" Harry yelled as he fumbled with the controller trying to crouch and run to the locker at the same time. Needless to say scar-face found him and killed him in a needlessly violent and gory manner which had Malfoy burying his head into Harry's chest.


"Why can't we just play MineCraft?" Asked Draco.
"What, you mean the only game you can actually play...?"
"Shut up, Potter."

And that was the end of the Outlast lets-play.

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