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Vincent notice he lost the cops and walked over to the animatronics. Vincent opened up their suits and started to stuff Jack into Freddy, Tommy into bonnie, Maxwell into foxy, and Isabella into chica. Then put all of them back together, and put foxy back behind his curtains. Vincent laughed and the cop heard him. The cops ran after the laughing without telling them.
"Wait where are you going!!" mom yelled. All of a sudden she heard a voice behind her. "why do you have my puppet?" "who just talked tell me now." "well i'm Vincent" "you!!" tell me why you have my puppet!" "you stuffed my son in it, that's why i have the puppet." "you shouldn't have taken it." "why?" "we need the puppet to finish all of the things in here that's why." Vincent leaped forward to grab Dominic and ran away with him. Vincent came up to this present looking box and put him inside of it to hide him until they left.
"MY SON... HE TOOK MY SON!" The police came back and told her "We couldn't find him." "Because he was near me he just took my son for crying out loud!" "He took Dominic?" "yes he did."

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