Sweet but toxic (EXO)

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Chanyeol was walking down the street having a big smile in his face, he couldn't any moment so he started running. It's been 3 years since Chanyeol and his boyfriend, Baekhyun been going out. Today was there 3rd anniversary. Chanyeol was thinking how about how they meet, and how he confessed to him in front of Exo's showcase, startling all the fans. Somehow fans were understanding and accepted them but still there were some who were against this.

Chanyeol stopped by a flower shop to get some lilies Baekhyun's favourite flowers. After he finished getting flowers, he ran to gift shop. He picked up a card and started writing on it. While he was writing he thought, nothing can separate them apart, if they are together they can overcome anything. He quickly looked at his watch. He was running late for his date with his boyfriend. As soon as he saw the time he started running again.

Huffing and puffing. Chanyeol was finally there at the cafe where they first meet. He stopped and took sometime to take his breath back. He remember everything freshly as if it just happened yesterday, how he meet his beloved boyfriend. How they were close to each other on the first day they met. He never imagined them two being together, he always regretted not asking Baekhyun out from the beginning but now they are together, enjoy all the moment together. After all of his flashback, he walked in slow pace to make sure that he doesn't look like he is rushing. He slowly approach to the table they first meet. He saw Baekhyun but with other man smiling and giggling. Chanyeol decided to surprise Baekhyun so he waited for a while.

"Hey, Baekhyun who do you think is better in the bed. Me or Chanyeol?" Joon asked.

"Haha... It's obviously has to be you. I haven't every slept with him yet. You are my first. Chanyeol is so boring!" Baekhyun said whilst chuckling.

Chanyeol couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought Baekhyun was just joking so he decided to continue listening. Eventhough somewhere in him was angry and hope it was all joke because he knows Baekhyun wont betray him and sleep with other man.

"So you mean I took your virginity away not that idiot Chanyeol?" Joon was shocked. "That's why you were so tight man!" He exclaimed

"Yah it was you man. And stop saying that it makes me feel embarrassed." Baekhyun said whilst blushing.

"Your boyfriend sure is stupid. So you wanna do it sometime again, if you don't have problem?" Joon asked while caressing Baekhyun's hand, it was more like demand than question. "I am just asking you. You might have problem with boyfriend right?"

Chanyeol couldn't believe his eyes, Baekhyun was laughing with someone other guy than him. It's fine laughing but they are literally over each other and moreover they are talking about sex. Tears started forming in his eyes. He still wished that Baekhyun was lying, he was burning inside.

"Yah sure no problem. He is an idiot anyways. Who cares about him. I just had fun using him past years. I am already bored now so there is no problem." Baekhyun quickly replied.

Hearing this Chanyeol quickly snapped, his tears couldn't stop flowing. He rubbed his face violently. Then, he got off the place he was hiding, went in front of Baekhyun and pulled him from the place he was sitting.

"Argh Chanyeol!! Let go off me right now!!" Baekhyun demanded. Chanyeol was holding Baekhyun's hand so tight that bruised start forming.

"Yah PARK CHANYEOL!! Let go off me. Are you listening?" Baekhyun raged. Chanyeol was so angry and hurt that he couldn't hear his beloved boyfriend pleading him to let go.

Is he even his boyfriend now? Thinking this fresh tear started forming in Chanyeol's eyes. Today it was supposed to be happy day for him, it's there 3rd anniversary but on same day Chanyeol is getting hurt. Is it April fool today? Or is he just playing a joke with him? How much Chanyeol wished this was all a nightmare.

Sweet but toxic (EXO)Where stories live. Discover now