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Gray. That's it. Trees, gray. Sky, gray. Everything, gray. No colors filled the world. No smells scurried through the air looking for noses to fill with it's toxic scent with. No people to greet you with their smiles as you walk by.  It was all, nothing. Yet, no one could feel the things their world lacked.             

Everyone began their day just the same: Wake up at exactly five AM, not a single millisecond late, crawl out of bed, first the right leg, then the left, walk to the bathroom at an inconstant speed, traveling at 3 mph, then speeding up to 4.75 mph halfway through the journey. They all wore the same items. The men, a blue button up shirt with a pair of white khakis and a pair of leather boots. The women wore a white tank top and high heels with with a blue blazer and skirt. The adults all rode to their work with the same white Sedan, and all parked in the same parking lot of the Corp. F. Corp to be exact. Their working hours were set from 7 AM-3 PM. The children would ride to and fro via the F buses to The School each day. Their school hours set 7 AM-3 PM. Each day was repeated over and over, like a gaming sequence that was ready to be played.

F Corp was the enterprise that ruled all of Altrexia, the world of the controlled. Everyone was to answer to them and them alone. They ran the food supply, the trade markets between each continent, the people. They controlled everything from the thoughts of the public, to the color of the terrene. Everyone was a cog, a mindless zombie put up for slaughter, yet nobody suspected a thing, because they were told not to think. 

 Nobody stepped out of line, nobody broke their code. Everything was perfect, and F Corp ruled it all. F Corp did rule it all, until She came along.

She Who SawWhere stories live. Discover now