[6] ~ Jason ~

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Hello readers! I hope that you all haven't deserted me. I wrote this before school and after school, today. It's not that great, and it's not that long, but I think now, you'll understand why Jason opened up to her. I didn't want to repeat the "therapy" session with Bridget and Jason, so i didn't. Thanks to all who have supported me and to those who have said kind things to me after Great-grandpa Tom's death. You guys are truly amazing! Okay, I'm going to shut up now. I hope you enjoy, not that I think you won't, but I don't want to lose anymore fans. I've already lost one... It's quite sad... Annnnyhooowwwww...

Read on.

[6] ~ Jason ~

            “Bee, what are you doing here?” I asked, walking into the cozy living room and taking in the sight of my best friend sitting between my two brothers on the couch. She looked over at me and grinned.

            “Waiting for you,” she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Ren was staring at her, an unreadable expression on his face, but Gavin hardly paid any attention to her. Gavin would protect her to his dying breath, but he never showed her any affection. I wasn’t complaining. It was one less threat to worry about. Ren, on the other hand, could never stop looking at her.

            “How long have you been here?” I asked, dropping my gym bag and flopping onto the brown, leather armchair. It matched the couch and the other two chairs that were in the room. Even the walls were some shade of brown. It gave off a cozy, cabin-like feel. My dad used to own a cabin in the woods, so I think that’s why he designed it the way he did.

            “Awhile,” came her reply. I noticed her hand was right next to Gavin’s hand, and her thigh was pressed up against Ren’s thigh. Her attention, though, was solely focused on me.

            “I’m going to go shower,” I said, standing up and grabbing my gym bag before taking tentative steps upstairs.

            “Have fun!” Bridget called, turning her attention back to the TV.

            About fifteen minutes later, I came downstairs, and Ren was gone. Gavin was sitting in his spot with his knees pressed up, while Bridget leaned up against them. I felt a twinge in my chest. Was it jealousy?

            “Hey,” Bee said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I smiled slightly. I think it was more of a grimace because when I sat down, Bee got up and squeezed on the recliner with me. Gavin stared after her, which I thought was weird because he never did before.

            “Hey,” I said, pulling her close. Gavin got up and left without a word. “What’s up with him?” She only shrugged in response and looked back at the TV. They had been watching Criminal Minds.

            An hour passed, and the only thing on my mind was how weird Gavin was behaving. Occasionally, he would come back into the room, take a long look at Bridget and I cramped on the recliner, and leave. He’d never stay long. I always knew that Gavin was odd, but this was border-line creepy.

            “What’s on your mind?” Bee asked. I looked down at her.

            “What’s up with my brother?” I asked in turn, watching her for any signs that she could be leaving me for him. We weren’t together, but if she got involved with one of my brothers, she wouldn’t be the same Bridget.

            “What do you mean?” I could always tell when she was lying, but now, I could only see sincerity written across her beautiful features.

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