Chapter 10

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DakotaMatthews6's P.O.V.

The elevator dinged as the doors opened to the third floor. I still don't like the fact that Harry won't listen to me, but when has he? He is my stubborn older brother. I roll my eyes at my thoughts and walk down the hallway with Theo beside me as well as Niall and Kendall behind us. We walked all the way to the end of the hallway before conversing. "I'll look in here while you guys look in other rooms. We will cover more ground faster that way."

"Hell no, I'm not leaving you alone in this creepy ass hotel." Theo interjected.

"I can handle myself, Theo." I said coldly. Theo and I have been on bad terms lately because of his flirty behavior lately. He practically eye-f**k's Kendall all of the time and I'm sick and tired of it. Theo backed off and into another room while I walked into the room I was originally standing in front of. I looked around the room and found a bible, clothes, and some pain killers. I'm guessing this room belonged to a junkie a few years ago considering the bottle was not prescribed from a doctor. I put the pain killers in my bag as well as the clothes and continued my search for supplies. 

Harry should have just listened to me; we would have been safer just walking back to the crash site and getting help from the police and paramedics that were possibly on the scene right now. If Harry were smart, he would have listened to me, but he had to be stubborn. 

I walked out of the room and bumped into Niall causing him to drop some supplies he had found. "I'm sorry." I knelt down and helped him retrieve the items.

"No, No, It's ok." He smiled and put the stuff in his bag. "I should have been paying attention to where I was going." He smiled contagiously, causing me to smile. I put my hands in my back pockets and shifted nervously.

"So...uhm..." I began but didn't know what to say. Thankfully, he interrupted.

"Bella, can we talk? I mean, can I tell you something without you getting mad at me or making things awkward between us?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Of course." I answered.

"I...uhm..I've kind of had a crush on you since Freshman year." He gulped nervously but I smiled at his confession, "After the plane crash, I realized that life is way to short and you never know what's going to happen the next day. I wanted to tell you the other night at the camp fire but Kendall put you in a bad mood and I didn't want to ruin your night anymore." He began to ramble.

"Niall...Niall...Niall!" I whispered yet shouted at the same time. "I'm very happy that you had the confidence to tell me. I've kind of liked you for a while now as well but I really need to talk to Theo before I tell you how I feel."

"I understand." He nods but smiles.

"Thank  you." I smiled back at him and we continued the hunt. I shifted through one rooms night stand when I began to hear a thud on the wall.


I came to the conclusion that it was coming from the room next to the one I was in. I hesitantly walked out of the room and down the hallway to the room next door. Niall turned the corner and looked at me, whispering "You hear it too?" I nodded as I gripped the door handle. I turned the knob gently and counted to 3 in my head.


I opened the door as fast as possible and peered inside. "Oh god, Theo! Yes...Yes...Faster..." I heard Kendall moaning out.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I shouted angrily causing Theo to quickly turn around and zipped his pants back up.

"Babe, it's not wh-" I cut him off by slapping him as hard and meaningful as possible. Kendall pulled her panties up and recollected herself before standing behind Theo.

"I can't believe you! We are through, you stupid, egotistical, self-centered meat-head!" I shouted before slapping him again and storming out of the room. I ran to the furthest room possible and shut the door before collapsing. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I realized the the last 2 years were wasted on that jerk.

Niall's POV

"What were you think, Theo?" I asked, outrageous. 

"What's it matter to you, Leprechaun?" Theo chuckled and acted as if what just happened wasn't a big deal. Kendall sat on the bed, observing our conversation.

"It matters to me because Bella is a talented, caring, ambitious girl and you are acting as if she was just some fling." I said as anger grew inside me. I stepped closer to Theo but once again, he was unphased.

"I'm not saying she was just some fling, Horan. Bella is an amazing girl but she was so boring." He rolled his eye.

"You know what, You don't even deserve her. You deserve a slut just like Kendall."

"Hey!" Kendall stood up and put her hands on her hips.

"You break up someone's relationship and you honestly don't think you aren't a slut? You are as insane as Theo is if you think that is true." I started to shout.

"I'm sure Bella has had her fair share as well. She is probably as much a 'slut' as Kendall is." That was when I lost it. I threw the first punch as Theo and tackled him to the floor. Kendall ran out the room as I viciously attacked Theo. The fight would often switch around and Theo got me a few times; for sure leaving some bruises. I kicked Theo in his baby-maker and then punched him one last time, knocking him out.

By the time the fight was over, Theo's nose was bleeding and he had a few bruises forming on his face. I knew I had a black eye forming sense I could still feel the tingle around my eye socket. I walked out of the room an knocked on every door, looking for Bella. I heard her sobs from the last room and knocked on the door. "It's me." I said. She opened the door and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged her while rubbing her back as she cried into my shoulder. "Let's go to the next floor and talk. Leave those two dirtbags down here, yeah?" I asked her and she nodded into my shoulder. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and we made our way over to the elevator. I pressed the button the the door opened. We both walked inside and I pressed the button for the 4th floor.

The doors shut and the elevator started to move.

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