New place !!!!!!!!!

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I found a photo that had street number with another number I took my bag and went outside I waved my hand for a taxi to stop but it didn't I sat outside until I was tired I just waved for the last timeout I didn't stop I went and took my mums car keys I entered the car I went to the street number but when I was there.There was one building in that street that had the same number on the photo I entered the building.The building was like abandoned and the building had a corridor that is long with lots of rooms in it I went in front of a room and I entered it there was a book I wanted to open it and suddenly

Find in the next chapter sorry for being late this time <<shosho99x>>I u want to have a guess your welcome just comment bai shosho99x

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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