Chapter 1: Who Are You?

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"Lorelei I have your mail!" Bo spoke as she walked into my house.

"Bills, letters, something from a Macie Pickens," she casually spoke. Wait what Macie? My audition!

"Give me that!" I shouted as I took the envelop from her hand. It's only been a day since I filled out the papers. Is that a good thing?

"What are you so excited about? Wait what is that anyway?" Bo asked.

"Congratulations you made it to the second day, where we see how good you acting is! There's fourteen girls left, will you be the lucky one?" I read aloud what was written on the paper.

"What else does it say?" Bo snatched the letter from my hand and continued to read aloud, "Be ready to audition tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. sharp. If you're late you will be disqualified. Your tryout script is enclosed in the envelope. Good luck, Ms. Harlow, Signed Macie Pickens" she finished reading the ink on the paper.

I took out the script. It's not too long. "Bo will you help me? I'll say the highlighted ones and you'll say the other," I stated.

~*~*~*~ NEXT MORNING ~*~*~*~

"Lorelei we've been practicing all night I'm sure your gonna nail it," Bo reassured me.

"I hope I do well because this is a huge deal," I spoke to myself.

"Go get ready or you'll be late," Bo rolled her eyes at me.

8:30a.m. Okay I have enough time to shower. After I do I brush my teeth then make my way to my closet. I pull out a pair of black leggings and black tank top. I tie a red and black flannel around my waist and slip on my white converse. It's only 9:30a.m. so I turn on my straightener and plug in my hairdryer. After I finish blow drying and running the straightener through my auburn hair I grab my makeup bag and return to the mirror to do my makeup. I blend on a gold under a hint of bronze to make a version of the smokey eye. Then I line my top and bottom waterlines with a black eye liner. I apply mascara to my naturally curled lashes, then I top my look off with cherry red lip stick. I look in the mirror one last time. The gold makes my hazel eyes pop. 9:40a.m. I spray on my favorite perfume, say goodbye to Bo then head to the address in my letter. When I arrive I pop in a piece of mint gum and check the time, 9:55 a.m. I'm early. That's good. I skim the script one last time.

"Lorelei Harlow?" A woman calls and motions for me to follow her. When I arrive in the room there's three people at a desk and one person with a chair pulled up to the desk. They seem to be deep in conversation.

The one in the pulled up chair looks at me, "Excuse me, who are you?" The words leave his mouth covered in a thick accent.

"I am-" I get interrupted by the lady in the middle, "She is Lorelei Harlow, whom I am looking forward to her audition. She looks like a lovely actress," she speaks confidentiality.

"Looks aren't everything," the accented one speaks.

The lady speaks again, "Before you audition let me introduce you to every one. The one to my left is Jacob Harris, the one to my right is Tommy Hedge, the one in the chair over there is Aidan Matthews, and of course I'm Macie Pickens. Now Aidan get up there. He will be acting with you while we judge. I want you to dazzle me. Make me believe the words that come from your mouth. Now act!" Macie commands me.

The blue eyed brown haired boy walked up to me emotionless. When Macie commanded us again his eyes sprang to life.

"No you can't do this, not to me!" He cried. That's my cue.

"I've done it before and I'll do it again. I mean what can you do to stop me? You're a dead beat nobody," I said as I narrowed my eyes, "All you do is drink and get high. Your life went downhill. Such a shame, you used to be magnificent, but know you look thirty-eight when truth is you're only twenty-five," I chuckled like I was humoring myself and continued. "So answer me this, lets say you told someone about this... Situation. How would they believe you? You cried wolf so many times they'd think it was just another one of your hallucinations," I smirked. He acted speechless even though I knew he was acting. I mean he puts on a very convincing act, but I wouldn't be here if I wasn't just as good.

They all clapped and smiled at me. "Watch out Aidan she might steal your spotlight," Jacob teased while Aidan rolled his eyes and sat down.

I went into the waiting room with the other thirteen girls while they chose the winner. I wouldn't even say that because we all worked hard to get here. They called the girls in one by one to tell them if the made it and one by one thy all left, until it was just me.

"Lorelei?" The same lady before called me again. I went back into the room and stood awaiting anxiously.

"As you can tell you're the only one here," Macie told me. "So that means you got the part!" As she said that I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "There's a fire you get in your eyes when you act, and I want fire like that in my movie so congratulations! Swing by Monday same time so we can go over the script, Hazel." She smirked as she called me the girl main lead's name aka my part.

"I'm home!" I shouted as I walked in the door.

"Yay how'd it go? Tell. Me. Everything!" She rushed.

"First off, I got the part, and second the male lead is super hot!" I casually mentioned.

"Oh my I knew you'd nail it! Now tell me all about him!" She squealed.

"Okay so he has blue eyes, brown, curly hair, he's tan and tall, great style, perfect smile, muscular, but not too built, and just gorgeous," I rambled on.

"All that's good but what's his name?" Bo asked.

"Aidan Matthews," I replied.

"Seriously? As in Aidan Carter Matthews?" Is she fangirling?

"I don't know his middle name," I'm a little creeped out.

"Him?" She showed me a picture of him.

"Yeah how'd you get that?" I asked

"No, how'd you get a role with the most famous male actor in the world?" She said. I can't believe my ears.

***AUTHORS NOTE: on this book I want to stay a few chapters ahead so I can stay caught up so I'll probably publish a chapter after I write one. Hopefully this book is better. And a little more realistic. Bye I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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