Chapter 4:The Past

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"Yeah, it feels like a family. Just like Fairy Tail. Thank you Rogue" Something seems off about Y/n. We are behind the others with Lector and Frosch flying next to us. The exceeds stare at us with worry. They fly over to Y/n and put a paw on both of her shoulders. "It's okay guys. I'll tell him" She turns to me and takes a deep breath."Rogue, there's something you need to know"

Y/n Pov:

You stare at him with worry and your heart began to race. Your body became still from fear. Suddenly, Rogue held your hand. He told the others that both of you will meet up at the guild later. The dragon slayer brings you to a park with barely anyone there.

"I know your nervous, but just take your time. You can tell me anything" Rogue smiles softly at you. You begin to relax and take another deep breath.

"Okay. It all started when I was four"

Years Ago(you tell the story):

"Mama! Papa! Where are you!?" That night was dark and cold. I staggered through the ally where I woke up. Cuts and bruises covered my body. The clothes I wore were torn, my hair smelled like blood, and the rain burned the cuts on my body. "*cough cough* " I spat out blood.

"What do we have here?"  a strange voice asked. The moon was not out that night and a shadowy figure picked me up. I passed out.

"Uggghhh" I woke up and realized that it wasn't my home. Beginning to panic, I got up which hurt really bad.

"Lie back down you need rest" a boy that looked like a 12 year old, walked in. 

"Who are you and where am I?! 

"My name is Jack Vellum. Welcome to my home," he grinned happily at me with his brown hair swaying from the breeze,"I saved you from bleeding to death" 

"*Sniffle* Mama*Sniffle* Papa" I cried and Jack let me cry into his black sweatshirt. 

After that, he and I became brother and sister. Big brother taught me how to do copying magic, we trained, and we had a lot of fun together. But something happened when I was 7 and he was 15. We were walking in town and suddenly...

"Hey, you over there!" it was someone from Raven Tail. At first I couldn't tell, but as he got closer I knew it was my Dad. A woman also came towards us and she...was my Mom. 

"Mom! Dad! It's me, Y/n!" I was so happy, but when they were face to face with us, I knew they had intent of killing. I became scared. My Mom and Dad attacked us. We fought back."Open gate of the scales! Libra!"

"Ice make sword!" Big Brother shouted. Big Brother and I used up all of our magic. We were out of breath and my parents walked over to him. They then, picked him up and cut him in half. I choked on the sent of blood. The red liquid created a puddle around his corpse.

"B-big Br-brother? BIG BROTHER!!!" tears were streaming down my face as I screamed horror. 

"You should've been dead when you were four. Guess now that we've killed that brat, it's your turn" with blood lust in their eyes, I wanted to run, but I couldn't. That's when Master Makarov came to save me.

"Are you okay child?" he asked me and all I could do was nod. He held his hand out " How would you like to join Fairy Tail?" I gaze at Master Makarov with hope of having a loving family.

Present Day:

"I agreed and ever since then, I have been a part of Fairy Tail" you tell Rogue as tears threaten to fall from down your face. 

"Frosch told us that you have been a part of Fairy Tail for two years" he looks at you with confusion. You giggle a bit.

"I keep telling him that I have been I a part of Fairy Tail for more than two years, but every time Frosch keeps forgetting" You didn't realize it but you have tears trickling down your face. The dragon slayer notices this and lets you weep into his chest as the sun goes down. You feel tired and he picks you up bridal style.

"Y/n where do you live?" your face turns red like Erza's hair and you tell him where you live. On the way to your house, you notice that people are saying things like "Oh what an adorable couple". Those comments made Rogue blush.

"H-here we are" he stutters, opens the door, and lies you on the bed. "Well I'll be going" the dragon slayer was about to leave, until you grab onto his kimono. You didn't want him to leave, your heart just couldn't allow it to happen. In shock, he turns around with a soft look on his face. You release his kimono

"D-don't leave" you say quite embarrassed. Rogue smiles at you and he mumbles something.

"Okay, I won't leave you" he whispers in your ear. You and Rogue lie down on the bed and fall asleep in each others arms.

Thanks so much to everyone who is reading and enjoying this story. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Bye~

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