Chapter 2

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Bllahhhh So yahhhh,,, The lazyyiiness got to me ,,, thts ALL i can say for this Chap. :(

    On another note,,, Atleast i got an amazing song to make for it! :D ,,,,,,

One that Got Away ------->>>>> (i know its a diff version, but hey! :) lol  :) :0 :0 Megan&Liz (gasp) There awesome lol

YOU MAy NOW ReAd ON!!! :)

( Srry for any Grammar/Spelling errors )

Enjoy (:





I turned away from Liza who kept on talking, as the annoying sound coming from my back jean pocket announced I had received a message. Grabbing my cell I clicked on the message from Ian. A small spark of hope formed at the back of my mind, it had only been two days ago that he had broken up with me. Maybe he wanted me back?. As I waited for the message to load beside me Eliza's cell started blasting hard cord music and soon phones every were were going off. Weird.

I din't have time to look around as the video in my phone started playing. At first there was laughing on the background, boys laughing, But then the camera focused on two people talking on a very familiar livingroom couch. Then as the laughing died out the camera zoomed in on the two people in the couch the conversation could barley be heard.

That's when I saw the face of a boy he had turn in the direction of the camera. It was Ian. My heart stopped beating as I remembered this scene. Two days ago, When Ian told me I wasn't good enough for him. The day he broke up with me.

Tears stung on my eyes as my hands twitched, from still remembering, But they were soon gone and replaced by anger as the video kept playing on my numb hands. I visually felt hands on my shoulder, but I din't turn to see who it was I just keeped my eyes glued to the screen playing the day I dread most.

Ian got up from the couch followed by me, crying. Hands reaching for his brown curls as he always did when he was frustrated or angry, he closing his eyes and turned around to look at my crumbled face. He sigh and grabbed my hands in my kneeling position on the white polished floor.

"Violet! Get up you look pathetic" He said in a cold voice

I looked up and stared at him with a shatter face and whispered "Please, Ian"

Again laughing started from the background as I saw Ian smile sadly " Its over"

As he started to walk off towards the camera I grabbed his jean covered ankle and started to beg him to take me back, Glaring he turned around and pried my fingers from him and walked away leaving me crying on the ground.

The video went wild tapping the stairs on there way to Ian's room, a door shut closed. Then the camera focused on the handsome face of Ian, who's smirk couldn't get any wider.

"Dear Violet or should I say Cupcake" He started voice full of sarcasm " I wanted to let you know that this was all fake our relationship every single thing It was bet I never loved you, I only did it for the cash" Ian said waving a load of hundred dollar bills in front of the screen "Bye Cupcake"

The screen went blank.

Visually i heard laugh around me and fingers being pointed in my direction as skinny arms grabbed my shoulders and dragged me off towards the schools parking lot. Then I heard it, the laugh that always made my day brighter, I turned to the sounded of it to find the source, Ian.

Threw the tears rolling down all over my face I could still see his handsome face smirking in my direction as I was being shoved into a black car.

Bony harms dug into my flesh as they shoke me, stirring from my sleep I opened my eyes. Eliza, was in front of me a concerned look in her face. I looked at my surroundings to find myself in enveloped in purple covers and water on my face. Touching my eyes and trialing down realisation hit me, they were tears.

Every thing came back in a rush, the dream. 

I threw the covers away and got up on numb legs as the cold air hit me, But it dint stop me as I made my way to the restroom. Once I got there i stripped of the black leather shorts with matching red leather shirt that i knew Ian liked other wise I wouldn't have used it last night to 'seduce' him.

Turning the cold water on full blast hitting my body hard but I dint feel anything, it was as if i wasn't here. I found myself replaying the dream, It had been years sense I last had it. At the thought of it new tears formed soon, not be identified with the running water but I knew they were there, they were always there when the dream showed its self.

After getting out of the shower I knew i had to face Eliza, which I dreaded, wrapping the bathrobe around me I examined myself in the small square mirror that was on top of the sink. As I feared my eyes were blood shut red, no makeup could fix that.

Sighing I opened the bathroom door to find the room empty no sign of Eliza being here except the neatly made bed with cloths on top of one of the pillows and a note. Walking towards the bed I grabbed the note and read it out loud in a bored tone " Breakfast in the fridge, Called Alex to pick you up <3 Liza"

Crumbling the paper and trowing it on the bed, I grabbed the clothes and out them on.

A honk from outside got my head to snap up from the cold wooded table on Eliza's kitchen and got me sprinting to the front door. Parked in the driveway was an old blue truck I knew smelled like apples inside and behind it was a gray sports car, smiling i skipped to it and got inside.

Closing the door shut I turned to look at Alex frowning at me. Next thing i knew he was reaching up to touch the red marks under my eyes, flinching away from him i closed my eyes.

"The dream again huh?" Alex asked in that melodic voice of his.

I opened my eyes and nodded to find Alex's green eyes staring back at. Reaching a hand to the small compartment in the middle of the two sits, he gave me a full view of his messy blond hair that I loved. He retreated his hand from the compartment and squeezed something onto his fingers and turned to look at me. Putting his fingers under my red eyes he rubbed something smooth and wet, wondering what it was I looked down to find a bottle of concealer in his other hand.

Voice full of laughter " Why do you have concealer with you?" I ask

" You never now when your gonna need it" He said giving me a wink

I bust out laughing at his comment, That's Alex's for you, never failed to make me laugh.

Frustrated he grabbed my shaking head and steadied me "Quit moving will you"

Covering my hands over my mouth I nodded as he finished putting the make up under my eyes, all memories of the dream long forgotten has Alex drove me to school.


Hoped you enjoyed :)

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