Chapter 3

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Remember to vote and comment to support the story....and watch out...because this chapter changes things up....

The sky was grey and gloomy the next day, and rain fell in sheets to the ground. Lightning lit the horizon, and sometimes Jade could hear the rumbling thunder that followed. The sound of rain hitting stones was like a thousand tiny crystals breaking at once. Each streak of light that touched the ground came closer than the last, until thunder was all around them; booming in their ears, vibrating through the walls and through Jade herself.

Neco was standing near the entrance, gazing out at the raging wind and sky. His outline grew stark against the sky every time lighting struck, and Jade saw that he was tense. His legs locked and his fists clenched.

Jade pushed herself to her feet, yawning, and walked over to him. "Quite a storm, huh," she said, reaching his side. "I haven't seen one like this in a long time."

Neco smiled. "This? This is nothing. I've seen storms that dwarf this one."

"Oh really?" she said, "Then why are you so tense?"

"Because even though I've seen worse than this doesn't mean this one isn't dangerous," he sighed, turning and walking back into the cave. "We'll have to wait it out."

Jade frowned, looking out at the storm again as Neco walked to the cave wall and sat down. This would slow their progress, no doubt, but he was right. If they tried to travel over the rough terrain in this weather they risked breaking an arm or leg. She shuddered. Or slipping over a cliff and falling to their deaths.

Walking away from the mouth of the cave, Jade went and sat beside Neco. "So.... we're going to wait it out then?"

He puffed out his cheeks and leaned back against the wall. "That's what I just said."

Jade drew back, stung, at his hostility. He grinned, running his hands though his hair. "Sorry," he said, "I just need to get back soon. They'll be expecting me tomorrow. I don't know what they might do if I don't return on time."

"Oh," Jade said, distracted. That was the most he had spoken yet about his past. So far, he had done a very good job of hiding it, and whoever "they" were. What kind of horrible place did Neco live that they would do something if he did not return on time?

She decided to find a way to make him share a little more.

"Hey, since I'm coming with you, why can't you tell me where we're going?"

Neco narrowed his eyes at her, but his answer was light. "We're going to the Tallpine Forest."

Jade scowled. He held his secrets so tightly. Why? "Do your leaders live in there?"

"You could say that."

"Do you live in there?"

"Sort of,"

Jade blinked. Sort of? How could you sort of live somewhere? She shrugged and continued with her questions; maybe he might slip about what he had stolen.

"Do you live alone?"

"No," he replied.

"Who takes care of you?"

"I do,"

Jade sighed, so this was how he was going to play? "You know what I mean, Neco, who is your caretaker, who do you live with?"

"A man."

She changed tactics. "Can I come to your place in the forest?"

"I dunno, maybe. Others have come."

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