So the next morning you woke up for school and you see your phone and it was James and he texted you: good morning beautiful! :) then you smiled and you dressed into a nice white top and tan skirt and brown belt and black converse and hair down and straighten and make up on and grabbed your bag and your work bag and put it in the back of the car and then you grabbed breakfast and eat then you brushed your teeth and then Steph said "morning" you said "morning ready"? Steph said "yep lets go" then you shut the door and locked it and then you both got in the car and you were driving and you were at a red light and you were day dreaming then you hear Steph said "(yn) it's green go"! You shook your head and said "oh sorry" Steph said "are you okay girl"? You said "no I'm out of it" Steph said "okay what happen last night you didn't tell me" you said "James set me up a surprised beach date dinner and it was so romantic then after we went on the beach and it was fun then he dropped me off and he kissed me"! Steph said "what no way so are you guys going out now"? You said "yes I'm just so happy"!! Steph said "we'll I'm proud of you girl"! You said "thanks" Steph said "I knew you to would be together" you laughed and Steph said "oh my god and there he is right next to you look" then you saw him and said "James"! James looked and he smiled and said "hey ladies" Steph waved to James and he waved back and he winked at you and drove off and you smiled and Steph said "small world huh"? You said "you can say that" then you got to school and then you parked the car and you both grabbed your bags and then walked into school and then Ariana was looking at you glaring and you just didn't even bother with her Steph said "what the hell is sluts problem"? You laughed and said "she thinks she can pushed my buttons but she can't" then all of the sudden she shoved in front of you and Steph and Steph said "excuse me"! You said "Steph don't even bother with her she's not worth it" Ariana said "oh sorry I didn't see the two losers" you said "it's okay cause every time you look into a mirror it's cracks cause it's so scared of your face" Steph laughed under her breath and she came close to your face and you said "see I would scream but the mirror does that job get out of my way" then you grabbed steps arm and you walked to class and Steph high five you and said "nice" you said "thanks she will cry it about later" then Steph said "I'll cya later gotta go to science" then you went to the door and it said: bring clothes you will be comfy in today dance class room 244 then Danny came to you and he said "did you bring dance clothes"? You said "we'll I can use my work clothes" Danny said "you didn't know today was dance class"? You said "no I forgot" Danny said "just get into your work clothes which is for your dancing okay"? You nod your head and said "alright I'll meet ya there" then he nod his head and walked and you walked the other direction ...........