I ran through the different areas of the computer. I heard ben's voice calling after me.
"Just leave me alone!" I yelled, upset that I murdered someone. He jumped out in front of me and grabbed my arm.
"Stop running, just talk to me.." He said. I shook.
"I..I..I never killed anyone before and I feel horrible! I never wanted to hurt anyone but when I see that guy...he just....makes me feel a deep hatred."
"Your gonna have to be used to this." He said. "I know." My eyes slowly changed to blue. He tilted his head.
"Why do your eyes change colors?" He asked. They turned green meaning I was confused.
"Huh?" I said not remembering. He took out a mirror and showed me.
"Oh yeah, that! They-uh. They're like mood rings. They show my mood."I said sheepishly.
"That's so cool!" He said smiling.
"Eh, it's okayyy, but not that cool." I said. I heard buzzing.
"Ben..who's in here?" I asked getting up and backing away. His eyes widened.
"Run!" He said and I took off running with him close behind. I jumped out a random screen and landed at a girl's feet. She jumped. She had blood splattered on her clothes and I saw on her computer she was on the website where you got your next victim for creepypastas.
"Are you a creepypasta like me?" I asked. She nodded.
"Can I hide quickly. Someone is after me." I said my eyes turning orange meaning I was scared. She nodded and pointed to her closet.
"Thank you!" I said and ran to the closet. I saw blood covered katanas and a picture. I shivered and moved away from the katanas and looked at the picture. She was with a guy in a hood and a guy in a mask. Under the picture there was writing, probably their names. The one with the white mask had an arrow with the name, masky. The one in the hoodie is named hoodie, and the girl who let me in here is named jax. I heard buzzing and I looked out a little crack in the closet. I saw slender walk out.
"H-hi sir." Said Jax, pushing her long dark brown hair out of her face.
'Where is she?' He said telepathically.
"I don't know." Jax said trying not to give me away
"She must of went somewhere else." He nodded and went back to the computer. She turned her computer off and walked over to the closet and opened it for me. I stepped out.
"Thanks Jax, I hate that guy.." She gave me a weird look.
"How do you know my name?" She asked. I pointed at the picture.
"Oh yeah, that..." She said loosening up.
"I'm lily, lily phantom." I say. I put out my hand and she takes it, smiling. We shake hands and then I put my arms at my sides.
"Are you a proxy?" I ask. She nods. Why would anyone wanna work for him?!?!?!
"Ok, I was just curious.." I hear a knock on the door. Jax opens it.
"Hey, what's up bubby?" She asks.
"The sky." I hear a voice reply.
"Haha, very funny...come inside." She said sarcastic at first. In stepped my worst fear. A clown.
"C-c-c-c-clown!" I shriek and pass out.~~~~~~~~~~later~~~~~~~~~~~~
I feel my body being shaken. I open my eyes to see Jax shaking me.
"Your awake, finally!"
"What happened?"
"You passed out because of bubby."
"Bubby?" I asked. I looked over to see the clown again and shrieked. I got up and darted around the apartment. I ran into the hall and up the stairs. This place looks familiar..oh wait, it's my apartment building. I found my room but I forgot my key at LJ and grossman's next door. I quickly pounded on the door and grossman answered.
"What's wrong, and why are you so freaked out?" He asked as he saw me shaking with teary eyes.
"No time to explain." I said. He quickly let me in and locked the door behind me.
"Now, what's wrong?" He asked.
"P-promise you won't laugh?" I asked. He nodded.
"W-well...I still have a fear of...clowns and one was c-chasing m-me. If it was LJ I'd e fine b-but it wasn't h-him." I said still crying.
"Your afraid of clowns...but not LJ?"
"I'm used to him already." I say. my eyes were a mix of blue and purple meaning I was sad and scared. Grossman noticed this and I felt arms wrap around me. He was hugging me. I slowly hugged him back.
"I needed that." I say wiping my eyes with my sleeve when we were done hugging. He smiled and my eyes returned to yellow. LJ walked into the room with messy hair. I think he just woke up.
"What's going on here?" He asked tiredly.
"Lily just needed to talk." Grossman said. LJ nodded, clearly not wanting to be a part of it.
"Uh, LJ. you might wanna put on some pants.." Said grossman. LJ was in his boxers. I looked down at my feet until he went back and got on some pants.
"So, how's the creepypasta life so far Lucy?" Grossman asked. I scrunched my nose.
"Not good? It'll get better. You get used to it." I sighed.
"I just..miss my home." I say looking down at my hands. My eyes go to a blue color meaning I'm sad.
"You can always go up and walk around, just in disguise, unless you want to be noticed." I nod.
"Yeah, I guess I could go human." I said.
"But not fully, remember?"
"I know. Hey, aren't you human? You just have a mask covering your face." He nodded and held his mask with his hand.
"Cmon, show me your face!" I said eager to know what he looked like.
"Your gonna show me your human form too."
"Alright, but you show your face first."
He sighed. He slowly reached up for his mask with the other hand and pulled off his mask. I saw his blonde hair fall over his eyes. He brushed them out of the way revealing two bright, blue eyes. He had a light case of freckles on the top of his cheeks, under his eyes. I smile.
"I don't understand why you wear a mask, your not ugly. You look great!" I said. He smiled and pink brushed over his cheeks. He pulled the mask back down to cover the pink.
"N-now you gotta become human!" He said.
"Alright." I say. I walk over to their old computer and jump inside. After three seconds I jumped back out in my human form. My curly ginger hair fell down to my shoulders. My feet touched the ground with the blue flats I wore. My blue dress flowed down to my knees. I wore a blue rose in my hair and freckles were scattered across my face, arms, legs, and the rest of me.

Lily the phantom
Horrorlily is a new creppypasta and she is first scared but then meets some people.