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            Onew woke up the following morning with a blush still lingering on his cheeks. His body hummed with the tinge of pain and memories of what had happened the night before. Innocent kisses had developed into something more intimate that he would have never believed could actually happen until it actually did. Though that seemed to be a pattern in his relationship with Minho.

            He could feel their bodies rocking together still. Thinking about it stirred up a timid nature in him and he pulled the blankets over his nude chest. It led him to wonder if his ghost was still here, though. If he turned his head only to see an empty space where a body should be… He couldn’t bear to think of how deep the disappointment would be if that was the case.

            Thankfully, when he turned his head on his pillow he was met with the beautiful, slightly faded face of his partner. Unable to help himself Onew reached out with his uninjured arm to stroke the soft skin. Sometimes he wondered what it’d be like to have Minho as a human being… He wanted to feel his morning stubble scratching against his skin as he leaned in to kiss him good morning. He would pretend for now as he tilted himself up onto an elbow and pressed his lips to the others.

            “Wake up sleepy,” he mumbled, resting his head down tiredly onto his chest.

            “I am awake…” Minho replied.

            Both of them were hypocrites to their own words as they ended up staying in the bed for another ten minutes. Minho’s fingers brushed across the bare skin of Onew’s shoulder, his focus sometimes slipping away and finger tips pushing past the flesh and diving into the body. Onew didn’t seem to notice, but whenever it happened Minho scolded himself, pulling his hand out and reprimanding himself for letting himself forget. He hadn’t told Onew about this.

            A while ago he’d realized his visits were growing shorter. Instead of the ten days he’d initially had he had fallen down to two, part of the reason why Minho had pushed Onew to go so far with him the night before. If he didn’t abuse his time being physically present with the other that night then he might not have another chance, especially with what was about to happen.

            Speaking of which… They really had to go find that priest. He could already feel the unease that came with having the presence of demonic energy. He wasn’t far, probably waiting for the perfect moment to strike out. Not that he’d let that happen. But he might not be able to stop it if they lingered around any longer.

            “Get up Onew,” he ordered, getting off the bed. He couldn’t explain how he got dressed, some things didn’t make sense to him still and he’d been a ghost for a long time.

            Onew was slower to get up, insisting on having Minho turn around so he could get decent. It didn’t take long for him to finish and when he did he was bustling out the door before Minho.

            How cute, the ghost couldn’t help but think, following after him.

            It was nice to be out in civilization. Meeting Onew had given him many chances to get back the life he’d had before. This life was better, though because he had that gorgeous man at his side to walk him through it. During the periods of time where he got to reclaim his body with only certain marks making him seem ghostly.

            This would only be the second time he’d gone out into public with Onew, the first time having been to take him out on a date. That’s what normal boyfriends did right? He wasn’t quite sure. It had been a guessing game up to his point since his real life before death had been devoid of anything romantic.

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