Day 3: Henry

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Day 3: Henry

"Are you not staying Henry? Where are you going?"

Eunice got up from her bed and stopped me from leaving. I stayed in her place last night after Lorraine and I went to see the investigators.

Last week, when I got my full custody for my kids, Eunice and I agreed to live together just like before when we were still engaged and she didn't leave me for her career. I was madly in love with Eunice before she chose to pursue her career in Ireland and I was left broken until Lorraine came into my life and changed me.

I was just waiting for the right time to tell my twins about our plan. After all, I don't want them to get hurt for I know that they still love Lorraine and they may not like me bringing another woman in our house.

"Our annulment papers have not been released. Technically, I am still married to Lorraine though she is not in my place anymore."

"Yeah right. But soon enough, you'd be mine again."

Eunice hugged me and I felt her hands inside my shirt, caressing me. I tried to move away from her and got my things. I wanted to stay with her and make her feel that she is still special but my heart is telling me otherwise.

"I don't think this will work Eunice. "

"What? But you said I still have space in there. What are you talking about?"

"It's just different now Eunice. My kids are missing. They are my priority."

"What about me Henry? You promised me that you'd wait for me but when I got back, you ended up marrying that... that gold digger!"

"Stop Eunice! Stop."

"I'm sorry."

"You just rest please and let me leave."

"But promise me, you will not make me cry again."

"I just need space Eunice. Please."


I drove straight to a club and finished 3 shots of Jack Daniels before I went on having Martell, yet the memory of Eunice 12 years ago, begging me to give her space, is still vivid. Sometimes I hate it that I have strong alcohol tolerance because I am always left awake even if I'd drink a lot.

"Why are you doing this to me Eunice?"

"I got an offer and you know how much this means to me honey. This is my dream. To see Boyzone in person."

"You are leaving me for Boyzone? Eunice? What the F*7=!"

"I'm just kidding honey. I just wanted to see you smile before I leave."

"Honey, I don't think I'd be able to survive three years without you."

"Once I'm done with this, I promise, I'll be a fulltime wife."

"But can we not get married before you leave? Cant you delay your flight? We are getting married next month!"

"I cant fail our maestro."

"But you can fail me? That's..bull@!(#"


"Okay. Three years. Three years then."

The first few months were really hard for me.  Life without Eunice was miserable. She was the air I breathe, the reason why I live, and yet, she left me alone.

My brokenness led me to doing crazy stuff and even forgetting about my business until I was invited to facilitate a business camp where I met Lorraine again. I have always remembered her naive eyes and how she faced Eunice back then, she was so confident of what she could do.

I was drawn to her contagious smile and her infectious spirit and she has awakened something in me. That one week camp has brought me back to life and before I knew it, we started exchanging emails and text messages even after the camp.

At first I thought it was just for fun and for me to forget but I didn't know that I would end up marrying Lorraine. We both agreed to fake her age so we can get our approval of our documents and I was so happy that I've settled down with her.

We were both happy. Our age was never an issue between us. I have loved Lorraine every day since we have exchanged our vows but that love is not enough to heal the wound she has caused me.

"aaaI jush need one more. Giiiive me one moreeeeee."

"But your credit card maam.."

"My credit card? I can jush pay with my watch. You shee this? This will cost thousands. I will jush give this to you. Jush help mee forget. One more shot. Just one more shot."

I was surprised seeing Lorraine wasted three seats from where I am seated. Why didn't I even notice that she is here too?


"Dooo I know youuuu?"

"This is Henry."

"Henry? Dont try to shound like Henry. Henry will not come heeeeere. He doesn't care about me."


"I wash willing to fight for him and our children but lash night he shaid that what we had wash a mishtake. It wash never a mishtake to me. Never."

"Lorraine, I'm sorry. I am in pain as much as you do but.."

"Can youuuu heeeeelp me?"


"If you know Henry, tell him that I shill love him but.. I'm letting him go if that would maaake hiiim happy.but tell him not to keep my children from me."

"Our kids are still missing Lorraine. I have not gotten news from the police."

"My children are missshhing. And I am the one to be blamed."

"Hush Lorraine. I'd tell Henry but please, do not get drunk like this anymore."

"You'd tell Henry? Thank you. But yeah. I've changed my mind. doooont tell him that I love hiiiim shtill. I don't want him to think thattt I can't live without him. I want him happy and free."

Lorraine what are you doing to me? I should be mad at you. I should not be talking to you now but I cant. I cant leave you like this. God knows I don't want you hurt but you hurt me. You made me a fool. But why I do still care? Why Lorraine?

"Lorraine let's go home. I'll bring you home."

"Thish ish my home. I want to stay here and drink and drink and drink and drink until I forget."

"No. We're going home Lorraine. We're going home my baby."


Thanks to YoursEverlasting , skyliereyes and Bee for helping me put this
chapter. You rock!

This is dedicated to IoLopez her 30 days with Ross inspired me to come up with this. ❤️

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