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John's POV

Today was my day off. I'm pretty happy about that because I don't get a lot of days off. I decided to go to a disco club not that far away from home, a walking distance. As I was walking, I was thinking about Shrek. I have weird emotions with Shrek. Now these days when I have WWE wrestling matches Shrek helps me win, by thinking about him.

I arrived at the disco. I went in and saw a Mexican screamo band was performing, not your average disco music. I sat down and ordered a drink. Two guys came to the bar and started talking to the waiter.

"Two glasses of milk please, and one to go." The man with an extremely large forehead said while the other one started giggling. The bartender rolled his eyes. "They come here every week to order milk and talk about when they used to be a band together." The bartender told me, while I looked over at them drinking their milk. 

"Hiiii, I'm Brendon, but you can call me Beebo, and that's Ryan." "Hello."

"Well, nice to meet you both." I started to space out while listening to now mexican guitar music. What the fuck is this band? First they were screaming and now they're playing mexican shit?

A sunburnt man with horrible hair walked into the disco. "EVERYONE STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING, I'M GOING TO BUILD A WALL HERE." Everyone started to panic. I was kind of confused as he started putting the Mexican band into a cage. 

"Uh, excuse me but why are you doing this?" I asked. The ugly man looked over at me. "I'm making America a better place. And to make it a better place, you must trap Mexicans and build walls." 

"But that's not a great way to make America better." Donald grabbed me and put me in a cage too. "That's what you get for standing up to Mexicans." 

But right then, Shrek burst through the building, roaring his mighty roar. Donald was so scared he ran away. Shrek released the Mexican band and released me too. "Thank you so much Shrek." "Anytime, John."

My brain started talking to me. Bro, kiss him. Why? I thought. You gotta.

And I did as what my brain said. I ran to him and kissed him. Shrek released in 3 seconds and ran away. My heart was broken. My am I so stupid? 

So he really doesn't love me.


Aw, poor John :(. Comment memes, bands, you tubers, etc that you want to be in the story. I'm running out of ideas and I want you guys to be apart of this magical story too by giving me ideas *G note* oh god I'm so sorry, never mind.


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