10 WHOOO 10

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Chapter 10, Omg I'm on 10 whoohoo


 Olivia had called her mum after, asking her if she could spend the night here. Her Mum almost instantly said yes, as if I was the most trusted person in the world.

  Almost the whole rest of the night went by pretty swiftly, we sat there and cuddled and shared a few kisses, and definitely shared many sweet words. It wasn't until the end of the night when things got a little not so fluffy.

 "Lou?" Liv suddenly whispered, looking up at me with her crystal blue eyes. I smiled softly, and resisted the urge to kiss her nose, cause her face looked serious.

 "Hmmmmm?" I hummed into her hair softly, squeezing her waist a little as I smiled down at her.

 "How is this gonna w-work in two weeks....? I-I mean when I have to continue the tour....." She whispered and looked up at me innocently, her beautiful blue orbs telling me she didn't want to leave. I smiled sweetly, kissing both of her cheeks.

 "I'm gonna call you every day or at least text you, I'm gonna try as hard as I can to visit, and   when we're both off tour, I'll visit every second I get, just to see your beautiful face." I whispered, a small smile forming on he face. I was gonna do what it takes to make this work, because it has to, I just cant see myself without her.

 "O-Okay." She smiled and kissed my nose, a blush and a silly grin appearing on my face as I looked down at the beautiful girl in my arms.

"We should probably get to sleep, it's around 1." I laughed as she nodded and bit her lip.

"I'm sleeping with you right?" She smiled sweetly, and after I nodded her teeth showed, a smile that made my stomach knot up in the best way ever. I held tighter onto her and stood up from the couch, making my way to my bedroom. The whole way she hummed a tune in my ear, rubbing my back, the simple action leaving me relaxed as ever.

 I smiled as I laid back on the bed, her snaking her little arms around my neck as we smiled at each other stupidly. But who could blame us?

"I wanna watch a Disney movie." She giggled, looking at me innocently. I picked her small frame u in my arms, setting her down on the bed next to me and sitting up, running to my DVD stand and whipping out a copy of Peter Pan. She giggled as I put it in and ran back over to the bed' "Wait, pause it." She smiled sweetly up at me as the previews rolled, me grabbing the remote on my nightstand and clicking the pause button, giving her a confused look.

"What? A Disney movie is never complete without popcorn, marshmallows and hot chocolate." She got out from under the comforter and ran into my kitchen, me following close behind.

As I rounded the corner I already saw my bag of marshmallows on the counter(Who doesn't have marshmallows in their house, especially when you have 4 idiotic best friends and your addicted to them anyway) and the hot chocolate already in the process of being made. I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, kissing the top of her head and resting my chin on it afterwards. She laughed a tiny little laugh that made me laugh, my insides warming up.

 I unwounded my arms from her waist and reached over and opened a top cabinet slowly, grabbing a bag of white cheddar popcorn, the most addicting stuff on the planet. I stuck it in the microwave just after the hot chocolate finished, placing my arms in their previous place and swaying both of us slowly.

"Can we fall, one more time, stop the tape, and rewind...." I sang softly as we waited, a small, bright laugh bubbling off of her pink lips. She turned around in my arms, standing on her tippy toes and kissing me softly, her fingertips placing on my shoulders as I pulled her closer, our lips moving against each other slowly and passionately in sync. It wasn't a rushed kiss or a heated one, it was nice and slow and calm, both of us just trying to express all of our feelings in a simple lip lock.

 I pulled away slowly as the microwave annoyingly beeped again and again, me hitting the button for it to open the door, grabbing the hot bag out and shaking it violently, one of my hands still on her waist. I moved it to the small of her back as she reached for the now perfectly cooled hot chocolate, handing me one mug and grabbing the marshmallows before I slowly guided her back to my room, planting a loving kiss on her cheek as we get situated on the bed once again. I hit play while both of us snuggled into one another, my left arm on her back, her head on my shoulder.

We were completely silent throughout about half of the movie, only tiny sips of hot chocolate and munches of popcorn being heard over the wonderous kid movie.

 "Lou, your just like Peter Pan, adorable, adventurous, funny, sweet.." She smiled up at me as my heart fluttered. "The only difference is your my Louis, and your way better than a Peter." She kissed my nose, as I blushed hard.

 "And your my little Tinkerbelle. As a matter a fact I'm calling you that." I smiled down at her as she looked up at me, those goddamn blue eyes just killing me.

 "I like it." She giggled, snuggling closer into me as we watched Peter fight with Hook, poor little Tinkerbelle still sick. Livvy slowly fell asleep as the movie closed, her eyelids drooping a little.

 Suddenly I heard my front door open, my heart dropping. Someone. Just. Fucking. Entered. My. Flat.

I held on to Olivia tightly, if anyone came in my room and even tried to touch her I would fucking beat the living daylights out of them, and they would see no tomorrow. I heard some voices, getting closer and closer to my bedroom door. Olivia and me shared a nervous glance, there was a woman and a man. My heartbeat started to accelerate as my door slowly opened...

Zayn and Zoe.

At 2AM.

 "What the fuck are you doing here at 2AM?" I grumbled, glaring at them as the Peter Pan menu screen played on repeat in the background softly.

 "Uhhh." Zoe shrugged. "BUT IT LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE HAS A LITTLE GIRLFRIEND." Zoe laughed as Zayn grinned, both of us blushing and smiling. "Wait I was joking, no your two are really...?" She added after looking at us, me nodding and kissing her cheek lovingly. Zoe sighed and sat down on our bedside, looking at us. "Now be careful, I don't wanna see hers or your heart broken, got it? And no sex to early, I don't wanna have to explain to the press that there's gonna be a 1D baby." She looked at us as Belle(I like that, its short and sweet, so is Tink) burst out laughing, me smiling a little at her snort in witch she covered her mouth.

 "Lou... Uhhh. Can I talk to you.... alone for a sec?" Zayn mumbled, tilting his head to the direction of my door. I stood up slowly and looked at him confusedly, walking out the door with him trailing behind. He closed the door behind him, sighing a little. "Uhhhh. Lou, I kinda err. I sorta ran out of.....y'know....." He looked at me as a small smirk grew on my face.

 "Bathroon, cabinet above the toilet, left side, third shelf in the back." I smirked obviously as he blushed hard, nodding a little and walking towards the bathroom. As I made my way back to my room, Zoe walked out and waved a little, me shooting her a grin telling her I know what they did.  She blushed and looked down, walking quickly in the direction of the door.

 I made my way back to Tink, laying down next to her and spooning her, kissing the top of her head. I began to sing Moments to her after I heard the door close again, feeling Belle slowly slip into a deep, comfortable sleep as I finished.

 I kissed the top of her head again, pulling her a little closer, as I felt myself slowly fade away from consciousness, fading into the abyss I call sleep, a small, content smile spread across my face as my eyelids fell and I drifted into the same deep sleep as my beautiful Belle.


Ahahahahahaha Fluff ok I had to ok.

Ily you all for reading tell everyone about this story ok I really am working heard on it and I want it to become big!!! PLease!!!!!


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