Chapter 26

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Even after he's left and Sephora and Olivos come back in, that stupid little voice won't shut up.
"You blew it, you just let him go without saying anything to him."
I made the right choice though- right? Of course I did. I can't trust the delusional little voice in the back of my mind. It has failed me before, it'll fail me again.
"Th-the king left." Olivos says with even more worry.
Sephora walks over to me by the windows and touches my shoulder.
"Mallory, why didn't you go with him? What about the curse?"
I face her and try to add a reassuring tome to my voice. "He'll be back before he turns to stone."
"How do you know for sure?" She questions. "It could happen before he reaches the mountain."
"I know, trust me." I feel like a fake for using those exact some words that Xalale just said to me. I didn't trust him, why should she trust me?
"I have to go check on Elle and Coxen." I say excusing myself. On the way out, I notice Sephora's worried expression, but look away.
Swinging by my room first I try to collect my thoughts.
"He will be back before the moon reaches its peak." As many times as I repeat those words, they don't help ease the knot twisting tighter and tighter in my stomach.
Finally I decide it's no use trying to repeat words with no meaning, so I go to Elle and Coxen's room.
"Mal," Elle rushes over to me and drags me over to the window. The cheery face I saw this morning is replaced with worry and dread. "Have you seen this?"
The whole sky is drenched in black. Only the light from the rising moon pierces the thick darkness. I look away from the window feeling somewhat guilty.
"Mallory, what's wrong?" Elle ask coming over to me.
I hold out the bottled solution and she inspects it before asking,"What is it?"
"A solution to get me home."
A pure look of joy spreads across her face and she embraces me in a hug. Even Coxen turns away from the window to give me a bright smile.
"That's wonderful news!" She pulls back and notices my frown. "What's wrong, why aren't you happy?"
"I am, it's just that...the solution can only be used until the moon reaches its peak in the sky tonight."
Both of them glance out the window before facing me again.
"Well, you better get to using it soon, the moon is only a few hours away from reaching its peak." Coxen informs me.
"But- but nothing's resolved yet. And I made a promise and I always keep my promises-"
This time Elle cuts me off by giving me another quick hug. "Hey, if I recall correctly you said everything is going to be fine in the end and I believe you, Mal. Everything is going to be fine in the end, we just have to figure out what to do next."
They didn't get, not fully. That's not the part of the promise I was talking about.
"What are we suppose to do about...this." Coxen ask gesturing to the outside.
"That's already being taken care of." I answer. Hopefully. "The king is already dealing with that."
They both give me a weary look, but say nothing. I know they probably have questions though.
"Mal," Elle says taking my hands. "That solution is the answer to your prayers. Why question what the fates do? If the king is already solving this problem, there's nothing left for you to worry about. Go home, Mal. You've fulfilled all your promises."
I know I said I wouldn't, but I can't help the tears glistening in my eyes. I look between the both of them. Coxen gives me an agreeing nod.
"Both of you are the most amazing friends I've ever had. I have never known anyone as kind and caring as the two of you. Thank you. I-I hope one day we'll see each other again."
I hug the both of them before I can start crying. There's already a hole forming in my heart. I've never had friends like these, I might never again. It hurt to let them go, but I know I have to go.
"While this is still going on," I say to them,"I would feel better if you guys would wait in the throne room with Sephora, until this is over."
They both nod as we let each other go. The walk to the door feels like a journey up a mountain. I turn to look at my best friends the last time. They both give an encouraging smile and with that I leave before I fall apart completely.
Hurrying to my room, my heart thundering in my chest. I wish I could find Shay in time to say goodbye, but there's not enough time. The moon seems to be rising faster than normal.
Once I'm in my room, I pull out the pink solution. Excitement courses through my veins as I uncork the bottle. This was it, this was my ticket home. I wonder how long I've been gone, what my parents are thinking or doing. These questions will all soon be answered.
"So she said pour the solution on the ground and just jump through the portal. I wonder if I'll fall from a high height? Oh well, better than falling into a pond."
I glance around the room one last time, it would feel good to leave this all behind. This experience has been truly incredible, one I won't forget- for numerous reasons.
I begin to tip the liquid out, when my hand suddenly stops.
"What am I waiting for? Pour it out."
But still I don't.
"Any day now."
It's not like I'm being controlled, I just don't pour the solution on the ground. It's like my body has just stopped for no reason.
"Don't do it." There goes that tiny voice in the back of my mind again. "You know what you're suppose to do. Don't do it."
I run my hand through my hair and slump on the bed. Why am I at war with myself?
At that moment my mom's voice seems to speak to me.
"There are going to be times in your life when doing the wrong thing feels right at the moment. Those are the times when you have to battle against yourself and go against human nature. That is the time when you show your true character."
I pull out my necklace and grip it in one hand. I look between the solution and the necklace.
"I always keep my promises."
I run my fingers over the stone surface of the necklace. It feels like my body is made of lead. I've never made a tougher decision in my life.
Standing up, I know I have to decide.
"This isn't right." I look down at the solution and put it away. I hold up the necklace and glance out the window.
"That is the time when you show your true character."
With that, I bolt from the room, know what I have to do. I never break my promises and I won't start now.

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