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Many people are often confused about ranks. A common question is "is my rank high? Who is above/below me? When do I submit?" Here is a guide on that. I will list all the ranks in order. Submissive ranks and running ranks are different. Submissive ranking systems lump a bunch of different rank types together, in high, low and medium. Running has each rank as its own. As for when a person should submit, the answer is every time they meet a member of a higher rank. The amount you submit depends in your relative ranks.

Running rank:
Luna (if applicable)
Delta (if applicable)
Pack Doctor
Pack Healer
Head Warrior, Head Hunter, Head Scout.
Warriors, Hunters, Scouts

Submissive ranks:
Alpha/Luna (if applicable)
Beta/Gamma/Delta/Pack Doctor/Pack Healer
Head Warrior/Head Scout/Head Hunter/Assassin

To simplify this, in this book we will call the first line of submissive ranks level A, consisting of Alpha and Luna. Level B will be Beta, Gamma, Delta, Healer, Doctor . Level C will be Heads, and Assassin. Level D is Warriors, Hunters and Scouts, and level E is the others. Remember; level A and B are high, C and D are mid and E is low.

Submission and Submission ritualsWhere stories live. Discover now